Chapter 28

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So much has happened in my life that I'm starting to think the devil has a hold on me. Like there's darkness trying to overpower me. I never felt so helpless in my life. So powerless to a psycho who caught me off guard when I should've known she would be the one to come after me. It's like I gave up on my faith with God because nobody has found me, shit maybe even Chris gave up on me. My heartaches because not even Ty has come for me and he's a part of the law, I should've counted the hours it took to get here then I would know the exact location. I couldn't even cry or feel any emotions because I didn't want neither of these psychos to see me in pain. They didn't deserve to see me at my worst. I hate them with a passion and I could never hate anyone because I wasn't raised that way.  It's nothing like a woman's scorn but she should've took her shit out on Cain's stupid ass, I have nothing to do with their weird love, shit I was the one caught in the mix. But I'm not mad because I have my man, the only man for me is Chris.  

It's been a whole month, a whole fucking month since I was taken from Chris's house, since Kyra's crazy ass beat me to a pulp and I didn't have too much strength to fight but I had to fight my way out of here. I was so drained and exhausted but I needed to get back home to my man because he's all I need right now. I knew eventually Jerome would slip up and then I could find a way out of here. Kyra was stupid to leave him to look after me, I knew for a fact she ran back to Cain the way Jerome was blabbing about it on his phone. It's not like I cared what they did because they could have each other, two fucking psychos. I constantly was staring at the piece of glass on the floor by the door when I didn't even see Jerome coming. He stuck a needle in my neck and I got drowsy, I was trying so hard to stay awake but whatever he gave me was making me weaker by the second. I fell asleep instantly, felt my body being detached from the chair and chains.

I woke up on the cold floor and felt a breeze go across my legs, I looked down to see my pants were on the side of me and Jerome was towering over me smirking. I looked at him so disgusted, I tried getting up but felt light headed and he got on top  of me.

"Get off me"-I yelled

"Not until I get what I want from you"-Jerome

"Please don't do this"-Olivia

"Do what give you the love you always needed?"-Jerome

"Please don't do this"-I repeated myself

"I have to because I love you and I always wanted you the first day I saw you"-Jerome

"Jerome please let me go"-I cried out

"What's the fun in that?"-He smirked and dug his nails in my thighs

"Okay, okay"-Olivia

"Good girl"-Jerome

I finally got feeling in my body and used my knee to hit him in the balls, he fell over holding himself and I got up running to the door after I threw on my pants quickly then was about to leave out until he grabbed my leg. I fell in front of the door and grabbed the piece of broken glass stabbing him in the eye. I jammed it so deep that it went through his head and blood gushed out in my face. I'll be damned if his sick ass lives to see another day and think he was going to try and take advantage of me. I dropped to my knees and threw up near the end of the pathway trying my best to get away from there, I hope he rots in hell. Kyra I'm coming for you when I get the chance, I ran as fast as I could to a busy street to find someone to help me.

"Please help me"-I cried out

"Are you okay?"-A woman asked me

"No I need to get home to my boyfriend please if you can get me a ride or something I promise I'll pay you back his address is 16920 Sunny Dale Road"-I said light headed

"You sure you don't want to go to the hospital? You look pretty beaten up"-The woman said concerned

"No ma'am please I just want to be back in my boyfriend's arms and feel safe again, someone could come after me soon. Please ma'am"-I begged

"Okay come, you can lay in the back seat there's a car cover back there and I'll get you there right away"-The woman said helping me to her car

"Thank you for your help"-I said half smiling

"Of course my dear I know how it feels to be in love and want to be with him when you're at your lowest. I do hope that you get the help you need with whatever you have endured. I'll get you there soon, just relax there's water back there if you're thirsty."-She said driving

"Thank you again"-I said yawning

"I don't think you need to sleep yet, talk to me and tell me your name"-She said looking in the mirror

"My name is Olivia ma'am"-I said in and out of consciousness

"Stay awake Olivia we're almost there, you have a beautiful name by the way. What do you like to do?"-She said driving faster

"I like to paint, I have a passion for painting because it brings me peace and---

"Don't close your eyes my dear, we'll be there in 10 minutes. Talk to me okay"-She said turning the corner to the mansion in no time

"It keeps me calm---

"Olivia, aww damn"-She said running to my side 

I felt myself being pulled out of the back seat and held up.

"You have to try and walk so we can get you to the door"-She said dragging me while I was trying to walk

We got up to the front door and she banged hard as ever on the door then leaned me to the side so I could stand up on my own.

"I have to go my dear, I have a ride I have to pick up. Please take care of yourself and I'll come check up on you soon."-She said squeezing my hand

"I'll try to thank you for your help---

She ran to her car and drove off when I felt myself getting drowsy then I slid down the side of the door. I went unconscious and laid in front of the door on the welcome mat.

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