Chapter 1: Back to Japan

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Hello everyone! Welcome to my first chapter. I hope you enjoy this! This took some time and I didn't check for any mistakes so if you see one feel free to tell me so I can fix it.

Edit: I edited this chapter a bit. It's still bad and I didn't change much so you don't have to reread it!


"Hiii Hina." You were on a phone call with your girlfriend, Hinata. "Hiii n/n! When are you coming back?" She asked. You were in America because your parents were on a business trip and of course you came along. "Well I'm not sure yet. But when I do we will spend a lot of time together!" You were knew when you were going back. You just wanted it to be a surprise.

"Okay! I'll be waiting!" Hinata exclaimed. You were excited to see her and Takemichi again. Oh? Did I mentioned you were in a poly relationship with Hinata and Takemichi? Well now I did! Anyways, you were going to go back to Japan in about a week. You hadn't seen them in quite a while and you were dying to go back.

"Okay! So how is Takemichi doing??" You asked. "Oh well...I'm actually mad at him!!" That was odd, Hinata was rarely mad at him. It made you be curious about it. "Why? What did he do?" You asked. "He saw Emma in her underwear!!" She exclaimed. "...HE WHAT?! AND WHO IS EMMA?!" ..yeah you were pretty mad about that. I mean who wouldn't be. You just found out that your boyfriend saw another girl half naked.

"Emma is Mikey's sister! We met during a meeting." 'A meeting??' Now you were confused. What meeting was she talking about? And who is Mikey? "What meeting are you talking about Hina? And who is Mikey??" You asked.

"Oh did I not tell you about Mikey?" She asked. "Nope!" And so she begin to explain about Takemichi sudden change of behavior to her slapping Mikey because of a misunderstanding to them going to a gang meeting not too long ago.

"YOU SLAPPED A GANG LEADER?!" You were surprised and terrified. Who knows what could have had happen to Hinata and Takemichi. It could've of gone so wrong. They could've of have hurt them. But one thing for sure, if they had laid a single hand on either of them you were ready to defend them.

" was a misunderstanding though!" She said. "Well if anything happens I can send someone to help you out." Wondering who you would send? Well let's say you're quite the rich girl. You could hire anyone to be their bodyguard or even hire an assassin.

"It's okay! They haven't hurt us!" She exclaimed. That's good to know. "Well okay..did you receive the gift I sent?" You asked. Since you were rich you liked to spoil your lovers with gifts and stuff. "Yep! Thank you so much for the...really big teddy didn't have to buy me anything though!"

What was with the pause? You questioned yourself. Did she not like it? "Do you not like it? Is it too cheap? Is it the wrong color?" You were panicking. You always want to make sure the people you love are happy. And if they aren't you will try your hardest until they are.

"No no it's none of that! I love it's so big.. it's the size of my bed!" She exclaimed. Yea, I think you kinda overdid it. "Oh I thought you didn't like it. I'll make sure that next time it will be just perfect!" You exclaimed happily.

"You don't have to! But I have to get going now. I have to go to school in a few minutes!" She said. "Oh alright! I'll talk to you later then!" And you both hanged up. Now you had nothing to do. You didn't have school as the time zone was different. You were a transfer just for a little. You were bored and didn't know what to do.

-Time skip-

It was finally the day you went back to Japan and meet your lovelies! You had everything planned. When you got there you would first go to Hinata and surprise her with some flowers! And then you were going to find Takemichi and slap the crap out of him. And no it's not playing favorites it's simply because Takemichi saw another girl in her underwear!

So off you went to the airport with your family. You were an only child so you didn't have to deal with another crea- I mean another child like a sister or brother. You got on the airplane with your parents and off the airplane went in the air. It was a three seat so you three sat together. Your dad on the side with your mom in the middle and you in the other side.

"Are you excited to go back sweetheart?" Your mother asked. You definitely were. "Yep! I can't wait to surprise Hina!" You replied. Your parents knew of your poly relationship and supported you. What surprised them was the fact that you left out Takemichi. "What happened with Takemichi dear?" Your father asked. "Oh nothing much, I'm just mad at him." You replied.

Now we didn't want them to know the whole story or they would for sure do something. Who knows what but you don't want to find out. "What did he do?" Asked your father. "Oh nothing much don't worry about it!" You replied. You were definitely not telling them about it. "Well alright but if you need someone to talk to I'm always here for you sweetie." Said your mother. She wanted to make sure you had someone to talk to and give you good advice. "That's right if you need me to have a little 'talk' with him I will." Said your father. Your father at first didn't like the idea of you dating but later got convinced by your amazing mother.

"No it's okay dad I'll handle it myself." You replied nervously. I'm sure you know what the 'talk' really is. And well you wouldn't let something bad happen to Takemichi even though he did such thing. You wouldn't be able to bear with the fact that something bad happened to him and you didn't do anything about it.

Your parents started talking about business and that bore you. You weren't exactly interested in that stuff. You always found it long and boring. So instead of listening to them you put your earbud on and went to sleep. You didn't have enough sleep last night because you were so excited to go back so you were quite tired.

And to dream land off you went...
Starting next chapter...

POLY RELATIONSHIP (rewriting a new version!)Where stories live. Discover now