Chapter 8: Meeting Emma

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My bestie blocked me. 😔 hate on her >:) (she blocked me as a joke though and she reads this fanfic so this is also a joke) we will call her Emely. You know who you are... 🙂

You and Hinata got to the cafe. You of course opened the door for her like a gentlewoman (is that even a word?) you are. "Why thank you." She said. You two went in and went to order.

"Hello! What would you two like today?" The cashier asked. "I would like (whatever you want) and f/d please." You replied. You then looked at Hinata wait in for her response. "Um I would like a strawberry shortcake and some tea please!" She said. "Very well you may go sit down and we will bring the food to you." She said.

You two went to take a seat at a booth and waited. You then heard a familiar voice. A really whining one. You looked at the next booth and saw the one and only Mikey. Next to him was Draken. And infront of them was a really pretty girl with honey blonde hair.

Hinata looked were you were looking and saw them. "Ah! I didn't know you guys were here!" She exclaimed. "Oh! Hinata!" The girl said. She then looked at you and you could see the confusion on her face. "Who is this?" She asked.

"Angel-chin!" Mikey yelled. "Oh hello Mikey!" You said. "Hello Tachibana-San, Y/n-San." Draken says. (idk how to use honorifics so I searched in google 🤷‍♀️) "Hello Draken!" You said. "Hiii!" Hinata said. You then looked at the green haired girl.

"L/n Y/n! But just Y/n is fine!" You introduced yourself. "Emma sano." She introduced back. "And she's my sister!" Mikey said. "Ah! I see. Well it's nice to meet you Emma!" You said. "Nice to meet you too!" She said.

So this was the girl that Takemichi saw half naked. You didn't know if she was aware that he was dating. You didn't want to dislike her when you didn't know if she knew.

Hinata grabbed your arm and she dragged you to sit with them. You two sat with Emma. Emma next to the wall, Hinata in the middle and you on the other end.

If Hinata trusted her then you would too. You were sure that Hinata wouldn't hang out with someone if they were trying to ruin her relationship. So you trusted Emma.

"How have you guys been?" Hinata asked. "We been good. How about you two?" Draken asked. "Well we also been good!" Hinata replied. "That's good to hear." Draken said.

"Ken-Chinnnn." Mikey said stretching the n. "I'm hungryyyyyy." He whined. Draken sighed. "Just be patient Mikey, the food will get here soon." Draken said. "But it's taking too long." Mikey said.

"Hello! Sorry for the wait! Here's your food." The waiter came and dropped their food. You and Hinata were still waiting. As soon as the waiter put down Mikeys food he started to eat like it depended in his life.

"Slow down! You'll chock you moron!" Emma yelled. And as if she had predicted it he started to choke. Of course Draken took care of it. Mikey the started Eaton again as if nothing happened. You and Hinata sweat dropped.

"Is he okay?" You asked. "Don't worry he's fine." Draken replied. Then after a minute the waiter came to your table and put down yours and Hinata food.  You thanked them and she left.

You and Hinata then  pplstarted to eat. "So what we're your plans for today?" Hinata asked Emma. "Oh well nothing much we just came to eat." Emma replied. "Ah I see." Hinata said.

"What were your plans?" Emma asked. "Oh well I was just going to spend the day with N/n until I have to head home!" Hinata replied. "Who's N/n?" Emma asked confused. "Ah! That's just the nickname I call Y/n!" Hinata replied.

"You two most be close if you have nicknames for each other." Emma said. "Yes! She is actually my girlfriend!" Hinata said. This chocked Emma. While Mikey and Draken already knew Emma certainly didn't. "Ehh??" Emma exclaimed. "I- what?? I thought you were with Takemichi? Is it because of what he did? I didn't know you were also into girls!" She ramble on. "Ah did you not know?"

"No I certainly did not know!" She exclaimed. "Ah well I'm actually dating both of them...I'm not cheating though! We're in a poly relationship!" Hinata tried explained. "What's a poly relationship?" Emma asked. "Ah it's when more than two people date each other! So I'm this case me, Michi, and Hina are dating each other! It's like one big relationship." You explained to Emma.

"Oh." She was a bit surprised. She didn't know Hinata was dating two people. And she certainly didn't know about a poly relationship. "Yeah it may sound complicated but it's actually not!" You said. "I see.. I didn't know you two were dating!

"Yeah. But besides that it's getting kinda late don't ya think?" You asked. "Yea it is, either ways Mikey already fell asleep." Draken said tiredly. "Well then we better get going!" Emma said. Draken picked up Mikey and carried him in a piggyback.

"Don't worry about the bill! I'll pay!" You said. "Are you sure?" Emma asked. "Yea! Don't worry about it!" You said. You went to pay and gave a tip. You then went outside were they were waiting for you. Hinata and Emma were talking while Draken was just standing off in the side with Mikey in his back.

You approached them and they notice you. "It was nice meeting you Y/n!" Emma said. "Same here!" You said. "We should all three hang out sometime! You know a girls hangout!" Hinata said. "That's a great idea!" Emma said. "Well we should get going now." You said.

You five separate ways. You and Hinata going one way and them going the other way. You were going to take Hinata back to her apartment because obviously you weren't going to leave her alone.

You two were walking in a comfortable silence. You thought that Emma was a nice person. You liked her, as a friend of course. You and Hinata got to her apartment. You two were just standing outside the door.

"I had fun with you N/n!" Hinata said. "Me too Hina! If you need anything you can always call me alright?" You said. "Okay! I'll head inside now." It was getting kinda dark already so you also had to head home before night.

"Alright! I'll see you tomorrow! Bye-bye!" You said. "Bye!" Hinata replied. She went in and you started to go back to the side road. You looked back at the apartment and saw a light through the window. You smiled.

You then started to go back to your house...

Starting next chapter...

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