Chapter 10: A Ruined Date

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Sorry for taking long. Also I'm editing some chapter just to make them more detailed and the grammar. This chapter has not been edited or checked for grammar. But anyways, enjoy!


It was a new day with a great weather. You had plans today with Hinata and Takemichi. Can you guess what your going to do today? ...that's right! Your going on a date! Your really excited to go with them today.

First you would go pick them up in your car. Yes, you have a car. Though you know how to drive you prefer when the driver does it. After that you were going to take them to the park to have a picnic! How exciting! You were going to have a picnic date! Surely nothing could go wrong!

You got up from your bed and went to shower. Once you finished showering you put your clothes on and went down stairs. There you saw your parents in the living room. "Hey mom! Hey dad!" You said. "Hey sweetie!" Your mom said. "Hello." Your dad said.

You go to the kitchen to grab something to eat. Not too much as your saving spot for the picnic. Once you finish your food you grab a basket and start filling it with food. You put some food, fruits, sweets, ect.

You also grab a blanket for sitting. And some other stuff you might need. Once your finished you went to put it in a place you won't forget. You still had some time until the picnic so you decided to spend some time with your parents. They didn't have any work today and they were going to have a date later.

"Let's have some fun!" You said as you pulled out some board games from who knows where. So you three spent the last hour playing and having fun. Your parents were really nice and want to make sure your happy.

You checked the time and saw that it was almost time for you to go. "Okay, I'll go get ready for my date!" You said. "Okay sweetie!" Your mom said. You went upstairs and started to change to look presentable. After that you brush your hair and fixed yourself. When you finished all of that you went back downstairs and grabbed your bag. You grabbed the basket and put on your shoes.

"I'll be going now!" You said. And off you went to your car. You had called your driver to be outside for you. His name was Bob. (I ran out of ideas 😭) Bob put the basket on the vault. You get in the front and Bob starts to go pick up your lovelies.

You put some music and you both vibe to it. Bob may seem serious but he's pretty cool. On the way to Hinata's apartment you were just singing out loud without a care in the world.

Once you got to your destination you got out of the car and headed towards Hinatas apartment number. When you got there you knocked and waited patiently. You heard some footsteps running around. "I'm coming! Give me a second!" The door then opened and you see Hinata standing there. "Oh N/n! You're here already! Wait give me a minute to get my stuff! I won't take long!" She said as she ran back to get her bag and anything else she needed. She then put on her shoes and went towards you.

"Alright! I'm ready to go on our date! I'm going now Naoto!" Hinata yelled to her brother. "Okay!" Naoto yelled back. You and Hinata then went towards your car and she sat in the back seat. You wanted to sit with Hinata so you sat in the back seat with her. Bob then started to head to Takemichi's house.

You and Hinata had a great talk about the most random things. When you got to Takemichi's house you got off the car and knocked on the door. You heard some footsteps heading towards you but instead of them being quick they were calm.

Once the footsteps stopped the door opened and there you see Takemichi. "Oh, hey there N/n. Wait I'll put on my shoes." He said and went to put on his shoes. Once he was done, you two went to the car and got in the back with Hinata. So it was Hinata behind the Bob, Takemichi in the middle, and you in the other side.

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