Chapter 5: Encounter

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This took a lot of time so I hope you enjoy! Btw I don't reread my chapters so it might not make sense in some paragraphs.


You had just gotten home. You open the door and took off your shoes. "I'm home!" You shout. "Welcome home honey!" Yelled your mother.

You put the groceries in the kitchen and started to put them away. "There's food in the microwave for you to heat!" Yelled your mom. You didn't like to waste food so you heated it and ate it. You then went to your room and got on your phone to text Hinata.

Beautiful ❤️

Heyy Hina!

Beautiful ❤️
Hi N/n!

So when do you want to have the sleepover?

Beautiful ❤️
We can do it tomorrow if you want!

Sure! That sounds great!

Beautiful ❤️
Okay then! Goodnight N/n!

Goodnight love ❤️

You put your phone down and went to take a shower. When you finished you went back to your room and went to sleep.

-The Next Day-

You woke up to the sun shining in your face. You then did your daily routine and when you finished you went downstairs. "Morning mom, morning dad." You said to your parents who were already at the dining table. "Morning sweetie, how did you sleep?" Your mother asked as she cooked. "I slept good." You replied. "That's good to hear." Said your mother.

You went to take a seat as your mother was putting the food on the table. She then sat down and you three started to eat. "Any plans for the day?" Asked your father. "Yeah, I had plans with Hina. Of course if that's okay with you both." You said. "Of course it is sweetie but what kind of plans are you all having today?" Your mom said curiously.

"Oh it's just a sleepover here." You replied. "Oh alright dear." Said your mother. You three finished eating and your parents went to work.

You were quite bored since the sleepover wasn't till 3 and it was barely 10. So you had 5 hours to do whatever. It had been a few minutes and you still had nothing to do so you thought 'why not prepare the things for the sleepover!'

So off you went to get things ready. It took some time to get everything ready but you eventually finished. You still had tons of time before the sleepover so you went for a walk. You grabbed your bag that had your personal stuff, put on your shoes, grabbed a sweater and off you went.

You were walking to who knows where. And as you did that you came upon the Kawata twins! They were just walking and talking nothing much. They didn't seem to be in a hurry so you decided to approach them.

As you were going up to them they didn't seem to notice you so you decided to take this to your advantage. You hadn't given up on touching Smiley's hair so you were going to do just that.

You approached him from behind slowly and as quiet as you could. When you got close enough you threw yourself at him. But just as you were going to land on his back he moved out of the way and it made you face plant on the floor.

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