Chapter 2: Supermarket

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Hello welcome back to another chapter. Again I'm still new to this stuff so it may be bad 😅 but I hope you enjoy it!

Edit: okay so I edited it a bit. I kinda just wanted to make it longer and more detailed. I didnt change the plot or anything it was really just for it to be "better" which isn't.


You were awaken by your mother shaking you. The plane had landed in Japan. So you and your parents got up but unfortunately had to wait for the crowd of people to get off first. Once they did you and your parents got off.  "Ah finally back to Japan!" You exclaimed. "It's good to be back." Said your father.

You and your parents then went outside of the airport and called for your driver. He didn't take much time and you three went in the car. "I can't wait to see Hina again!" You exclaimed. "Yes we know dear but you gotta unpack your stuff and eat before you do anything." Said your mother. Even though you are rich your parents like to live like average and have a great experience as a family. Many rich people can't have that experience because of work. So your parents try to give you as much time and attention so that you can have a good childhood.

"Okayyyyyyyyy." You whine. You love your parents a lot. Especially for all they do for you. The car stopped and you could see through the window your house. It wasn't big but it wasn't small. It was just perfect with a backyard and a pool. Ok maybe it was a tiny bit big. But you like to say it isn't. You're quite used to it so to you it isn't.

As you three got off you sped off inside your house to unpack. The faster you unpacked the faster you could see Hinata. "WEEEEEE" you yelled as slided through the clean sparkling floor. You went upstairs and off to your room. You unpacked your suitcase and put everything where it belongs. You were trying to hurry so you could see your lovelies again. But made sure things went to where they belonged.

When you finished unpacking you grabbed some clothes to look presentable in. You wanted to make sure you looked good when you went out. When you changed you quickly sped down stairs and saw your mom cooking. "I'm going now mom!" You yelled. "Okay dear! Come home safe!" She yelled back. Your parents trusted you enough to go out by yourself. You knew how to fight. Your parents had hired a private teacher to teach you when you were younger. They always wanted to make sure you were safe. So what better way that to make sure you are safe than making you independent.

Anyways, you grabbed your bag and put on your shoes. You went outside and you first went to the store to buy some sweets. You loved sweets and you couldn't live without them. They were delicious. Whoever thought of them and made them possible was a genios.

When you got to the store you went in and to the aisles to look for random sweets. "Hmmm what should I get today?" You asked yourself. "Ah I should get some gummies and lollipops and chocolates..oh! I should get Hina some chocolates as well...hmm should I get Michi something? Nah I'm still mad at him..but still.. I should get him something!" You were talking to yourself like some crazy person. But you didn't really care.

You got many sweets and got Hinata and Takemichi some chocolates. "Hmm should I get anything else? Oh I should get some tayaki!" Yep you were still talking to yourself. When will you ever learn (*shakes head in disappointment*)

You went to the cashier and waited for him to scan everything. "Is that a-all you would l-like mam?" The cashier asked a bit shaky from all the things you bought which I may say, were quite a lot. "Yep!" You replied excited. You can't wait to eat them all.

As you were paying two guys came in. A tall blonde guy with a dragon tattoo on the side of his head. And the other one was short with blonde medium hair tied only half way. You didn't pay much attention to them and just paid the cashier.

As you were about to leave you heard the shorter one whine. "Ken-Chinnnnnnnn there's no more taiyaki!!" Haha let's just say you love food... but as a nice person you are you were going to give him some of yours. I mean you bought a lot and your rich soo I don't see why not.

"Here, you can have some of mine!" You said as you handed the short blonde one 6 packs of taiyaki. "Oh it's okay-" the tall one started to say before he got cut off by the shorter one. "Thank you! You're an angel sent from heaven!" He said as he snatched them right out of your hands like it depended on his life. Which for him it did.

"Yeah no problem! I already paid for them so you can just have them!" You said. "Oh well let me pay you back then." Said the taller one. "No it's okay!" You replied. You didn't need the money anyways.

Before he could say anything else you left the store. "BYE ANGEL!" you heard the shorter one shout. You didn't say anything back as you were already quite far away. Maybe you'll see them in the future. Who knows but they seem like nice people.

You then continued to the flower shop...
Starting next chapter...

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