Chapter 12: Playing Matchmaker

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I'm so sorry for disappearing like that. Please take this trashy chapter as an apology 🙏


You entered through the doors and the little bell on top rang. You went towards the front and ordered your food. You were at a cafe. You had a hang out with Emma today because she had called you through the phone for a meet up. Your friendship with the girl had increased. You two were pretty close now.

Once you ordered you went to take a seat. You sat down and waited patiently for the girl. The bell rang again meaning someone else had entered. You look at the door and see the honey blonde hair girl. She seemed quite sad and gloomy.

"Emma! Over here!" You yelled as you wave your hand around. Emma noticed you and starts to walk over to you. She then sat down infront of you. "Hey Emma, how are you feeling?" You asked.

"Hm, I'm okay." She said sadly as she put her head down. "What's wrong?" She looks up at you looking sad. "I need advice." She said. "Hm? What kind of advice?"

"I need advice on romance. And since you're in a relationship I thought I could ask you for help. Hinata is busy so I couldn't asked her." The waiter comes with your food and asked Emma if she wanted anything. "Just water please."

The waiter left and you two went back to the conversation. "I see. Well I'll do my best to help you out!" You said. "Now tell me who the lucky person is!"

"Well, it'" She said with a red face. "Really?? Then this should be easy!" You said excitedly. "What do you mean? All he cares about is motorcycles, fights, and Mikey. He doesn't even look my way!" You look at her with a smirk. "Have you not seen how he looks at you? He totally likes you!" You exclaimed. You had seen the sneaky glances Draken gave to Emma. He was not being slick.

"Really?? Then, do you think I have a chance?" She asked. "Of course you do! In fact, I think I can help you make the first move!" Emma kept on thanking you for agreeing in helping her.

Now you had to think of the perfect plan for this. There are many ways of getting two people together. But the question is: what would be the best way for this two?

"Well, how do you want to do this Emma?" You asked her. "Um, I'm not sure. Maybe something not too embarrassing?" Hmm. What would be a good way for her to do the first move?

"Hmm, how about we try something simple first? Like buying him a gift! You know to get his attention!" You suggested. "Okay! Let's try it!"

And so you two went to a store. Emma bought him some chocolates. You had offered to pay for them but she declined saying that she wanted to give it her everything. Meaning she wanted to feel good about buying it herself.

Once that was done you two searched for Draken. You two found him walking with Mikey. "Okay so I'll stay over here and you go give him the gift!" Emma nodded and headed over to Draken. She was going to hand it to him until another pair of hands snatch them. "This looks delicious!" Mikey said as he started eating them. "Those weren't for you!" Emma yelled angrily. They started to bicker after that which resulted in Draken not getting the gift.


"Well that didn't work out." Emma sighs. You two are back at the cafe. "It's okay! We have plenty of other stuff we can try!" You said trying to cheer her up. "You're right! What else can I do though?" She asked. "Hmm, we can try giving him something! And I can distract Mikey so that he doesn't take it!" Emma nodded excitedly at your idea.

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