Chapter 9: A Bad Day

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Finally finished! Sorry for the late post! Hopefully you enjoy this chapter!

It was the next day. The light shining into your eyes and the birds chirping. You were having a great dream. It was the perfect sleep. That was until you heard your alarm. It was so loud that you tried to shut it off but missed the button.

You slightly open your eyes and look for your alarm. It was just a few inches alway from your arm and that irritated you. You turn off your alarm and got up. Went into the bathroom and took a shower. You then brush your teeth. You put in your uniform and go back to your room. Your room and your bathroom are connected. You checked the time again to see how much time you got.

It was late. You were going to be late if you didn't hurry up. You don't know how that even happened. You quickly brush your hair as you go down the stairs. Unfortunately on the last step you trip and fall. You get up quickly and the brush is hanging on your hair. Your hair got tangled with the brush. You try to get it off but you tangle it more.

You groaned. You check the time and see that you only have very few minutes before you're officially late. You pull the brush a little and then untangle it but it made your hair messy. You didn't care. You hurried to put on your shoes and grabbed your bag. "Bye mom! Bye dad!" You yelled before speeding off to get to school. "Sweetie-" you heard your mom say but you had run out the door before she could say anything else.

You usually only walk to school so you could walk with Hinata. But you got too used to it that you forgot you could ask your driver to drive you to school so that it be faster. But oh well you already left. You were running at full speed. And of course, you tripped.

You shut your eyes and wait for the impact. But it never came. You opened one eye and see a white shirt. You opened your other eye and realize that it's a chest. You had landed on someone. You didn't fall on the ground but on someone. You immediately back away in panic. It was a boy with black and yellow hair. It looked like he had sticked bananas in his hair.

"I'm so sorry!" You say as you bow. He doesn't say anything and just stares at you. You look up and meet his eyes. His face scared you. How he didn't say anything made you nervous. You wanted to run away. "Uh, oh look at that! It's late and I have to get to school! Haha." You said nervously.

You start to walk away to the direction of your school. When your far enough you start to run. You were definitely going to be late. You would get detention and it sucks. Maybe you could
sneak in the classroom without being seen. Hopefully your luck is good.

You reach school and see the gym teacher there. Everyone who is late has to run laps. You don't want to do that so you look for a way to sneak in. Going through the front gate is definitely a no. Maybe you could climb the wall. Yes, your going to do just that.

You throw your bag over the wall and begin climbing. Small movement and being careful. Maybe you weren't so careful because you almost fell. After what seemed forever you were able to climb the to the top. Unfortunately though, you fall down on a bush. Good news though, you fell over the side of the school.

You get up and now your hair has some leaves and sticks. You take them off, and grab your backpack. Your uniform looks a bit messy but your sure it's not that bad. Or at least you think. You head into the building without getting caught. You go to your locker and change your shoes. You then go through classes while crouching down so you won't be seen.

Now you finally get to your class. This is the hard part. Getting to your seat without getting caught by your teacher. Good thing you don't sit at the front. You sit somewhere in the middle.

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