1 - "Grim Reaper"

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Mark sat on a park bench reading a non-fiction book about the American Revolution from the mid to late 1700s

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Mark sat on a park bench reading a non-fiction book about the American Revolution from the mid to late 1700s. He was multitasking by watching Roselyn play as well. It was a decent afternoon in May and being Roselyn was an only child who lived in such a large house in a boring state like Ohio, Mark tried to find things to do with her on the regular.

She was always lonely being her mother was hardly home being a queenpin. His wife's extended family also lived far out so her bonding with her mother's side wasn't so common. Mark thought once he and Locus got married that he would have her all to himself, but it seemed to be the opposite. Once they spent their honeymoon in Iceland some weeks ago, he hardly saw her home since. It'd just been him and Rosie.

Mark looked up from his book and saw Roselyn playing with the large 'X' and 'O' blocks built into the boat playhouse. Other kids were getting along great while Roselyn stayed by herself, she was way too shy to talk.

Mark felt bad for his baby girl, he could see her looking at the other kids hoping someone would talk to her, but she was too scared to approach herself.

"Rosie baby, go say hi." He said making a motion to some kids who were close by.

She immediately shook her head from side to side and disappeared inside the boat. He chuckled and looked around. He saw one or two women staring—most likely because he was the only solo male in the park with a child so they thought it was the whole single father scenario thing.

He knew he was correct when a pretty brown sugar toned woman caught his eyes and smiled at him. Mark gave a stiff smile and made sure to raise the hand that showed his wedding ring. The lady lost interest that fast and turned away.

Mark fixed his Yves Saint Laurent reading glasses and glanced back at Rosie, still able to see her. It was a fairly small park and there was a sign out front that forbade adults from entering if they didn't have children with them. Mark thought it was sad honestly. Back when he was growing up someone didn't have to be a parent to sit in the park. It was normal, the park was just a place some people went for relaxation or to take in nature. Now it was breeding grounds for child predators, so he guessed the sign was helpful in a way.

There were five benches in the park overall that formed a circle around the playground. He sat on one by himself, the brown sugar girl who'd just checked him out sat feet away from his bench to his right. Next to her was a white family of all blondes, the mother hugging her daughter who fell and scraped her knee while the dad was watching every butt that walked by. Next to them two grandparents were watching their curly hair mixed race grandson climb a short plastic ladder. The other two benches were lined directly across from him so his view was obscured. But he could see a woman's open toe heels on one bench and the hand of a man on his kneecap on the other bench next to her's but couldn't see either of their faces.

Mark turned his attention back to Roselyn but couldn't see her. He knew she was inside the boat but he still wanted to make sure. "Rosie." He called loud enough for her to hear, but not loud enough to be obnoxious.

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