Chapter 60

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"What is this?" Kaguya said, frowning as she distanced herself from the reborn magical girl. "It's like the fates have entered your corner."

"It's like you're an angel," Himari said, staring in amazement. Chō clapped, humbled and awed.

"It suits you." Takako said, lips quirking in a slight smile.

"Well, uh, I suppose so," Seina said, somewhat bashfully. The way everyone was gaping at her in awe was making her self-conscious.

"Don't think this surprise will save you, girl," Kaguya said, her tone venomous. Her eye twitched, thoroughly put out. "I'll kill you, somehow. If I can cause Arisu to die, nobody is safe from me. I will survive."

Despite the odds against her, the devilish vampire refused to relent. It would be admirable if it weren't from pure spite. Seina extended a hand, and a staff appeared within it. Unlike her usual staff, it was a rod of bleached wood, and its tip extended into a spiral until it ended with a red gem that floated in its depths, a ruby that gleamed like a red sun.

"Finally! A proper staff!" Seina said, delighted.

"Really? That's what you're worried about? There was nothing wrong with your old one," Paliah said, rolling his eyes.

"You'd never understand," Seina said, pouting. A magical girl deserved a dignified weapon, not whatever she had before.

"Woah!" Seina leaped back, just avoiding a whip of reality-tearing destruction. While invisible to the eye, she detected a subtle ripple tearing through the air. From the hardening of the vampire queen's lips, she hadn't been expecting this.

"What? How?" Kaguya asked, her voice a low growl. "Why won't the future answer me anymore?"

A slight smile appeared on Seina's lips, thinking she knew why. "Let's just say I have friends in high places."

"That so?" Kaguya said, scowling. Clearly, she sensed something was happening behind the scenes. A self-satisfied smile extended across her lips. "Then I better get serious. Thanks to the fallen fairy, I have become mighty, godly, unstoppable. Your new form can't save you."

"Woah." Seina stepped back as reality distorted around them, becoming indistinct, a chaotic swirl of color and confusion. Unlike Bathiko, Kaguya wasn't ripping it apart, more like rearranging it to her liking. Seina tensed, knowing anything could happen.

"Seina!" Takako said, her voice becoming distant. Her image and the rest of her allies became more indistinct, like they were being seen through a glossy window. Only Paliah stood ready, staying close to her side with his sword ready.

"How about no?" Everyone blinked as reality reassured itself. Takako tapped down herself, restoring everything in its proper place.

"What did you do?" Kaguya said, staring wide-eyed.

"I just put a bubble around the multiverse," Seina said reasonably. "I'm reasserting everything back to how it should be." Much to her relief, her planet had weathered the storm, protected by Himari's remarkable barrier.

"Like everything?" Takako said, amazed.

"Sure." With some effort, she restored the portions of the multiverse that Bathiko's recklessness tore to pieces. Not the people, sadly, a voice telling her their souls had already moved on. But she'd restored the planets, ready to seed new future life.

"But I thought you were terrible at fine-tune magic?" Takako said, putting a hand on her hip.

"Well, I..." Seina wasn't sure how to answer. Everything had clicked into place, knowing instinctively where to place every puzzle piece.

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