Chapter 24

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Seina's voice came out as a strangled croak, coughing and wheezing through her pain. No amount of willpower could convince her hand to stop choking her, Reiko's magic proving too powerful to overcome. Would she be throttling herself for the rest of her life, or could Takako break this curse?

That's if I survive this fight, of course. The Devil Princess's power was beyond anything she'd ever expected. The magical girl standing before her had to be thousands of times more powerful than Emiyo and they'd barely beaten her. With Seina's fairy friends trapped by the secretary, escaping from Starlight Dream was impossible. Her foes had her trapped in an inescapable corner.

Reiko's speed was unreal, moving so quickly that she was a blur even to Seina's eyes. If only Ume were her, her portals might be capable of catching the overconfident Devil Princess off guard.

Then a sudden idea popped into her head. Crazy, but it might work. Seina swished her wand forward, summoning forth a barrage of bubbles. Pushing past the pain to summon her magic proved difficult, but Seina gritted her teeth hard and somehow managed it.

"Really?" The Devil Princess said, amused. With a dismissive wave, Seina's bubbles scattered in random directions. They ricocheted around the room like bouncing balls, much to Reiko's confusion. The Devil Princess watched them float around the room for several moments before shrugging, deciding they were harmless.

Seina's bones rattled as a jab shattered her entire rib cage, driving her to the ground. What unbelievable power! Reiko had barely touched her! The Devil Princess stood over her, amused at Seina's apparent helplessness. Something bopped against Seina's backside, a bubble bouncing into her.

Perfect. Seina slid back, falling into the bubble. Darkness consumed her, but it was comforting, like snuggling up into warm blankets during a chilly night. This was her world, another part of her existence. The reprieve lasted only a moment, as an annoyed Reiko drove her hand forward to break Seina's protective pocket. But Seina had anticipated this, the world shifting as she emerged from another bubble floating nearby.

"Take this!" Seina unleashed her full fury in her next attack, punching her wide-eyed opponent right in the mouth.

"Oof!" Reiko recoiled, confounded by the unexpected blow. Despite the staggering amount of power Seina had placed into her attack, her opponent seemed more annoyed than hurt.

"You struck me!" Reiko's consternation lasted only a moment before shifting into a blinding, red-hot rage. "No one hits me!" Seina flinched back as the Devil Princess glared at her, hateful eyes promising death.

Fear stabbed into Seina's heart, realizing she'd knocked the proverbial beehive from a tree. Before she could retreat into a nearby bubble, a firm grip grabbed Seina by the scruff of her neck. A power thrust drove her to the floor, shattering the floorboards to splinters. Dazed, Seina rolled over and gazed into the eyes of her killer.

"I'm going to kill you, you piece of..." Then the Devil Princess forced herself to regain her calm. The smile made Seina wish the rage would return.

"Naughty. You've been a bad girl, Seina. You deserve punishment. I wish..." Reiko tapped her chin in thought before her eyes lit in mischief.

Before the Devil Princess could deliver her threat, the secretary popped into existence. The rest of the Mei's office returned with her, landing in a booming thud. Anything remaining standing had toppled over, ruining any semblance of order. The secretary blinked in confusion, her expression lost.

"You won?" Reiko asked, just as perplexed.

"Well..." The secretary hesitated, unsure how to respond. She opened her mouth to respond, but never got the chance to speak. Before she uttered a single syllable, everything exploded.

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