Chapter 43

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"They can't be serious," Kyoko said, outraged. "It's an affront to everything decent." Inwardly, she winced, hoping her voice wouldn't carry beyond the alley's depths. Such words would mean instant execution if the wrong ears heard them.

"You're overreacting." Wakumi said, rolling her eyes. "Stop getting all moral. We've all killed plenty already."

"But!" Kyoko's voice trailed off, not having a decent argument. Her hands were stained with blood, enough to give her nightmares. After some consideration, she gave a reluctant nod.

"Do you hear yourselves?" Haia said, hugging her fairy partner tight. "The cosmos will become a barren husk."

"They won't go that far." Wakumi said with a snort. "Besides, it's too late to quibble about morality. We do our job as magical girls. We've all gone too far to course correct now."

"You're wrong." An unfamiliar voice said. Everyone turned to find a pink-haired girl entering the alley. "The future is never determined. You can always walk a different path."

"Hey, I know you! You're that magical girl who's been causing trouble." Everyone had been gossiping about her, Himari Uyou, a bold one who'd spoken out against the Devil Princesses. Kyoko had heard her name whispered alongside another infamous rebel magical girl named Seina. Supposedly, they'd slayed Yuuka Tsujikawa the Mad. While Kyoko wasn't sure if this was true, both had caused their overlords to stir.

Himari inclined her head in acknowledgment. "Yes, I'm here to spread the truth."

"Here to die, more like," Wakumi said, unimpressed. Kyoko couldn't blame her. The short, timid girl seemed weak enough that a strong wind would snap her in half. "The three of us could kill you in nanoseconds. I bet the Devil Princess would offer a handsome reward for your hide."

But Himari continued on like the other girl hadn't spoken. "Even if you don't care about saving lives, what happens once Operation: Extinction is completed? Do you really think the Devil Princesses will have much use for you afterward?"

"What do you mean?" Wakumi said, hesitating.

"While I don't know what they're planning, it can't be good. For goodness' sake, they're ordering mass extinction. Do you really think their end game has anything good planned for you?"

Kyoko's mind whirled. She'd never considered this possibility. The Devil Princesses had always kept their plans to themselves. No one was certain why they wanted to spread suffering across the cosmos. A sudden dread struck Kyoko's heart, making her absentmindedly stroke her partner's fur.

"I don't know about you, but I'm not joining this madness!" Haia said, fire blazing in the quiet girl's eyes. "Enough is enough."

"Traitors, all of you!" But Kyoko noticed the lack of conviction in Wakumi's voice.

"Damn them all, that's my opinion," Kyoko said, speaking up. This caught everyone's attention. "I still have family living on my world. If this operation happens, they'll all die!" She'd never even wanted to become a magical girl. They had thrust it upon her after a chance encounter with Lieutenant Haruko Ayaji. The bully had forced her to bond with Lala, damning her into this nightmarish life. Worse, she'd threatened to kill Kyoko's family if she refused to obey.

"Me too!" Haia said, nodding. "Enough is enough."

"I..." Wakumi said, hesitating. Within her eyes, fear warred with itself. She wasn't sure which possibility feared her more, the upcoming cataclysm or angering the Devil Princesses.

"I swear I'll protect you," Himari said, her smile warm.

"Tsk." Wakumi scowled, looking away. Despite her initial hesitation, she'd go along with them for now.

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