Chapter 8 - Trouble Incoming

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Abhimanyu couldn't believe as he saw his Akshu hugging someone. Akshara sensed someone's presence and took a step back and was shocked to see Abhimanyu. "Abhimanyu, this is Abhinav Sharma. My childhood best friend." she introduced to reduce the awkwardness. "And Abhinav, this is Dr. Abhimanyu Birla, my boyfriend." They both shook hands. 

"Abhinav has come from London for some work. He would staying with us." Akshara smilingly said. Abhimanyu didn't like the news. He was a mature surgeon but was feeling jealous. He hugged Akshara, more to show Abhinav and said, "I am sorry for today. Let's go out for dinner." 

Akshara was happy that their fight ended. "I will get ready in two minutes." And looking at Abhinav, she said, "Why don't you join us?"  Abhinav resisted. He couldn't see Akshara with Abhimanyu. "No, you both carry on." 

But Akshara insisted, irritating Abhimanyu. He wanted to spend time with her. Finally Abhinav agreed as Akshara's happiness mattered him the most, more than his heartbreak.


Aarohi's heart bled as she read his message. She knew Abhimanyu wasn't fond of her but her heart ached seeing his sheer hatred towards her. "Why does he hate me so much? Even when I have left Udaipur, he isn't allowing me to live in peace." she cried. She opened her parents photo on her phone, "Ma, Papa your daughter has become all alone in this world. Nobody loves me. Everyone hates me especially Abhimanyu. I can't handle this pain." she sobbed. 

She felt like running away. She saw Bistro Club in front of her and remembered Kabir's words, 'Nothing heals the heart pain, numbing it is the only solution'.

'Maybe he was right, I have to numb my pain' saying she went inside the club. Unknown to her the club and the 5 star hotel above it were all co-owned by Kabir.


Kabir was on his way home when he received call from Arnav, the co-owner of the Bistro Club. "Bro, if you are free can you come to the club? I have something to discuss." Kabir agreed and headed to the club.

Aarohi had never tried alcohol in her life, except once at her college farewell where she had tasted wine. But today she sat at the bar and ordered for a shot. 

Kabir who was passing by, was surprised to see her. 'Am I hallucinating' he thought. He called a waiter, "bro, can you also see that girl, who is kind off cute but also sad because the entire world's responsibilities are on her shoulder"

Waiter - "Sir, I can see a girl from here. Cute, sad or stressed that I don't know".

"You lady are the personification of hypocrisy." Kabir said walking towards Aarohi and resting his arm on the counter.

Aarohi looked at him shocked, ignoring his question, "Are you stalking me, Mr. Raghuvanshi?". 

"You wish. Now I can guarantee you can be a great politician. You are good at giving speeches while not following what you said. Weren't you the one who lectured me about drinking being injurious to health" he enquired.

"You should be happy, I took your advice. I am here to numb my pain" Aarohi said as she gulped her drink.

"What pain do you have?" Kabir asked being concerned. She had cried, her smudge kajal was a proof of it. Something was disturbing her. And it bothered him. Maybe because he didn't want someone to be like him. 

 "That should be none of your business. Will you leave me alone?" she snapped back. She ordered for an another drink but the bartender was busy. Kabir went to the other side and made a drink for her. 

She raised an eyebrow and sarcastically taunted, "So you work as a part time bartender along with a full time job of annoying people and intruding their privacy. Great!"

Kabir chuckled. She was cute but savage. "I co-own this place. Had come here for a meeting." He made himself a drink, "Cheers, And don't drink much or else it will hit you like a truck." saying he went without waiting for the reply.

With just two drinks, Aarohi was feeling tipsy. She received a message from Kairav stating his friend's flight had been delayed and so he would come home in the morning. 

She opened her and Abhimanyu's photo on her phone, the only picture she hadn't deleted. It was from there engagement ceremony. How happy she was. And today she was sitting at a bar drinking, escaping the reality. "What have you made me Abhimanyu?" she said looking at the picture.

It was 11pm, Kabir who had finished his meeting saw Aarohi still sitting. He went upto her, "Still here? The club is about to close. Should I call a cab for you?"

Aarohi who was completely drunk by now said, "Mr. Raghuvanshi? Are you a ghost? Why do I keep seeing you everywhere?" She tried to stand up but tripped, Kabir held her by her waist and made her sit.

Kabir - "The alcohol has finally reached your head. Where do you live?"

"Udaipur" Aarohi childishly answered.

Kabir - "You are from Udaipur? Where do you live in Mumbai, Aarohi?"

"Bandra" she whined in a completely drunk tone

"Where exactly in Bandra?" Kabir asked, who was finding it difficult to handle this squirming lady

"Arre Bandra... You don't know where Bandra is?" Aarohi answered in a dejected tone.

Kabir face palmed himself, "That really explains where you live!! We are in Bandra, Aarohi. God! This girl is a gone case. She doesn't even know her address."

"Call your parents at least." Kabir said giving her the phone.

"My parents are not alive, I live with my grand parents who are in Udaipur and my brother will come tomorrow". Aarohi innocently told about her family history. Kabir couldn't help but notice the innocence this girl had despite being heartbroken and how he wanted to protect this innocence. Something terrible must have happened for her to behave like this. 

"I am going to stay here, you go and write your song" saying she shooed him. Kabir looked around, the club was closing except there were 2-3 men who were secretly glancing them. He was definitely not going to leave her alone here.

"Chalo" he said making her stand, "This place is closing, you can't stay here." Aarohi initially resisted but finally gave in. Kabir took her to a suite in the hotel upstairs. Placing her on the bed, he said, "You sleep here. Tomorrow morning, when you come back to your senses, you can go to your house." He started to leave when he heard her crying.

"Are you crying?" he asked coming back.

"No, I am not crying." Aarohi said crying. 

"Wow! You are such a fabulous lier. Impressive." Kabir taunted.

Aarohi sat up and showed her and Abhimanyu's photo, "That's my engagement photo, the last time I was happy. It's been 1 month. But this pain is not reducing. All I wanted was a happy relationship and to be loved." " And today Abhimanyu messaged me.." she said showing the message like a 5 year old complaining of home work. "He hates me. Everyone hates me. You also hate me." she again started crying.

Kabir sat on the bed, "Look, I don't hate you. You might not be my type but you are beautiful."

"You are saying this to make me happy" she again started whining. "No, You are naturally cute and beautiful. You are true to yourself, savage and not pretentious. I quality rare in today's time. And that makes you unique."

Aarohi was hearing him with a soft smile and twinkle in her eyes. Her eyes moved to his lips and before Kabir could react, Aarohi moved forward and placed a peck on his lips before slumping on the bed. And Kabir sat there shocked, 'Did she just kiss me?'


Author's Note - How was the chapter? Hope you liked their banter. Do vote and share your thoughts in comments.

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