The mission to- end it all?

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rengoku had stayed at tengen household for a couple weeks now, everything finally seemed to fall in line perfectly, rengoku had even informed the master that he would be retiring.
Tengen finally felt as if everything started to look up, but then, he recived a letter, he was needed to attend to a upcoming mission, his wives had been out, and he found out he would be meeting up with them again in the red light district, he was happy to say the least, but sad that he would have to leave rengoku for a while.
Rengoku hadn't payed much mind to it all, he had faith in uzui and his strength, he only wanted to enjoy the time they had together.
Rengoku stayed close by uzui, uzui felt himself growing more and more attached to the loud cheerful man.
Today was like any of the past days, they had spent time together in the forest surrounding uzui house, Renton stuck close beside the taller and much more flamboyantly dressed male, it was quiet between the two as neither dared speak a word to the other.
Uzui knew he would have to say good bye today, he had to head out to complete the mission otherwise people could be killed.
Rengoku smile seemed gentle like always, but held a sort of sadness to it.
Uzui wanted to reach out, to hug the owl eyed man and reassure him it would be ok, but he knew it was a pointless promise.
No hashira could promise such a thing, after all- for a hashira to be called for a mission, meant that it was possibly dangerous or even basic suicide.
Uzui let his eyes wander the face of the man walking beside him, scanning ever little imperfection and blemish, scanning his eyes, ears, his odd colored hair, his gentle smile, his lips, then back to his eyes.
Uzui smiled to himself letting out a sight that caught rengoku attention.
Rengoku:thinking of the upcoming missing? Are you- worried? Do you suppose it is really something bad?
Rengoku never usually asked so many questions, he couldn't help himself though, he stopped himself before it made his worry obvious, but it was futile since uzui had already picked it up.
Uzui did not intend to point it out and make the man feel worse, instead he smiled and ran a hand through his shoulder length hair, closing his eyes and stopping in his tracks as he stood, taking in the suns warmth as he let his mind fill with thoughts of how he loved this owl eyed man, and how- he wish. He could tell him.
Uzui:eh- not really, to be fair I am rather strong! Im flamboyant, I'm too pretty to pass on just yet
He jokingly gave a cocky smirk and flashy pose trying to lighten the mood, Rengoku only gave a smile and a small laugh at the idiotic way the man had acted, and yet his eyes still held a sadness.
Uzui simply smiled and continue to speak with the man hoping to ease his worries, but soon enough.
Nightfall had arrive, and uzui had gathered all he needed, heading out leaving one last note of goodbye, since he did not know if he would make it back to his owl eyed love.

(Apologies for not updating 🤷🏽‍♀️ I've had tests and school- and I deleted the app for a bit and forgot I had it and needed to post, hope you enjoy! I'll be posting more now that summer is coming back around!
Thank you all for the support 💕)

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