Love, unconditional love ❤️

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It had been another two days now as the week was soon coming to a close, but uzui couldn't shake this odd feeling.
As a last ditch effort he informed rengoku he would be be headed out for a little to visit shinobu and possibly Mitsuri to give them gifts and he would return soon.
Although he half lied, he did get them both gifts, but he also planned to get check for any possible sickness by shinobu.
Uzui had arrived at shinobu medical estate early that morning, he arrived and entered as he looked around and waited for shinobu.
Shinobu eventually appeared as she was with Mitsuri and and sanemi walked out patched up just a bit.
Uzui:hello kocho! Looking beautiful flashy as every (PLATONIC)
Shinobu: how kind of you Tengen-San, you also are looking just as "flashy" as you always have.
Uzui smiled as he sat down on a bed as shinobu took the minor vital signs checking for any fevers or anything.
Uzui:oh and mitsuri !! You look beautifully flamboyant as usual !!!
Your hair is beautiful put up today!!
Mitsuri turned bright red as she slightly squealed at the complement as she held one of her braids felling it beyond happy from the complement on her hair.
Mitsuri; you too uzui-San !!!! You are amazing and flashy !!! Thank you >\\\\\<
Uzui laughed a bit and nodded as shinobu finished up setting her clipboard down beside her and clearing her throat.
Shinobu:so what is it you scheduled me for? Are you feeling unwell ? Possibly injured?
Uzui have a "mmmm- eh- maybe" kind of look as he say straight and crossed his arms.
Uzui: well recently, I've had rengoku over- it's been vary flashy and flamboyant indeed !!!!
Mitsuri squealed at this as he smile brightened at rengoku name.
Mitsuri: eeeee !!!!! That's so kind of you to spend time with rengoku-San !!!! That's so CUTE !!!!!
Mitsuri fan-girl and oozed over this as she swayed in a energetic way.
Uzui just simply smiled and nodded happily but shinobu calmed mitsuri down as she now wanted to hear what's wrong.
Uzui: well- you see, my wives are away on a trip, and I invited rengoku to stay for the past week we got off, my wives recently left- but over just these last day- something feels- off.
Shinobu raised a eyebrow at this as she listen closely keeping her usual smile on her lips, mitsuri zoned in completely interested in what's happening.
Uzui: you see- Recently- I've been getting odd thoughts, and this weird feeling in my chest.
Shinobu have a worried look for a moment as she thought the worse.
Shinobu:what kinds of thoughts
Uzui stayed quiet thinking for a moment before he looked up.
Uzui: well- I think it could be me missing my wives- but, I wanna like huh and hold rengoku close, and I've gotten these odd thoughts- like his smile- I never realized how bright his smile is- and his hair- it's so- ugh !! And his patience !! And his eyes- every time I look at him I feel like ima have a heart attack- of if he's around me and if he's close I can feel my heart race at worrying pastes! I just- I just wanna know- idk maybe I could be allergic to something rengoku has or wears- or maybe stress ?? Or possibly feeing lonely and missing my wives- you know?
Shinobu stood stunned as mitsuri face light up the brightest its ever been as she covered her mouth unable to even say anything, they both stained at uzui wide eyed and amazed.
Shinobu:...omg- you are so fucking stupid Tengen-San..
Uzui face dropped a bit as his cheeks puffed up angrily.
Uzui: what makes you say that ?!!!!
Shinobu looked more astonished as she looked quickly over to the equally stunned mitsuri, mitsuri was holding back the urge to jump around cheer and squeal over what she just heard from uzui.
Uzui looked between them both with a even more worried look. it bad?! I gonna die?!!!!- what's it is?-
Shinobu had to turn around trying so hard not to laugh and it didn't help uzui got more frantic and kept asking what's wrong, mitsuri beamed brightly as she waited on shinobu and whispered into her ear.
Shinobu managed to keep her calm as she turned back around with a serious look on her face.
Shinobu:Tengen-San...this is- vary stunning, this is indeed one of the greatest illnesses known to man!!
Uzui heart sank as he thought of the worse possible things.
Uzui stayed silent awaiting the worst as he already started planning his final days.
Shinobu writes something down on a paper and hands it to uzui.
Shinobu:this will tell you what it is.
Uzui let out a king sigh as his heart sunk down lower and he frowned slowly opening up the paper.
Uzui looked at it and noticed there was only one word written.
Uzui was beyond confusion as he hadn't processed and looked up at uzui and mitsuri for a explaining.
Shinobu gave mitsuri a nod to tell him already.
Mitsuri:uzui-San !! Can't you tell? It's obvious !! "Your deeply in love with rengoku-San!!!!!"
Mitsuri squeal happily as she said that and gently shook uzui slightly bouncing around happily, shinobu smiled brightly as she looked over at uzui awaiting his response.
Uzui took a moment processing mitsuri words, suddenly he felt his face become bright red and heated as his heart did sudden flips and he waved his hands frantically.
Uzui: NO- no no no no no no- NO - there is- no- there's no way- I mean... rengoku San is my pal !!! He's my flashy flame friend!!!! I- I would never think of him that way... right? No no no no there is NO way-
Uzui began ranting to himself, mitsuri just laughed at this and so did shinobu, they both tried their best to help uzui calm down for a good while.
:1 hour later:
Shinobu had barely calmed uzui down as she sent him home and back to rengoku after having her laugh.
Uzui couldn't think about hardly anything, the thoughts just swarmed his mind, rengoku swarmed his thoughts.
:uzui pov:
💭 uzui: What the hell- there is no way! I mean- I would understand if someone did like him- he's kind, a amazing listener, he is patient- understanding, hardworking, loving, his smile just warms up a room- it makes your heart melt, he's amazing with kids ! He's kind and does not feel like he has to hide his emotions about his family, he adores his family and brother, he has a amazingly big heart- and his eyes ~\\\~, I can feel myself get lost in them sometimes- his cute chipmunk like face- his beautiful hair- his gentle touch- his amazing personality..he was perfect!!! If someone didn't like rengoku then they had to be stupid or blind. I couldn't even stand the idea of being blind- I would miss out on seeing his adorable face- HUH ?!!! WTF DID I JUST SAY ?!
:no one's pov:
Uzui face had a red hue to it now as he covered his mouth- had shinobu and mitsuri been right ?! Was he actually falling in LOVE.
Uzui thoughts quickly emptied out as his smile faded and so did the flustered on his face, now he stopped walking as he looked down at the ground and rubbed his face with both hands sighing and stopping to sit by a tree.
💭uzui-..I shouldn't be thinking such things... I have three beautiful wives- one hat would they think of me if they found out I'm falling for my freind..
Uzui sighed as he got out a small water canister he held on him and put some in his hands and washed it over his face.
Uzui soon got back up as he continued his walk, he stayed in silent as he only felt despair, his heart felt like it shattered them and there at the vary thought.
But he thought of rengoku with someone else- anyone else. It hurt, it hurt so much, seeing him smile at someone else- blush at someone else- hug and love on someone else, fall for someone else..
He felt this kind of unconditional love, he wish it would go away. He never stood a chance and should get over it.

(Hope you are enjoy! Comment some ships you would like stories on !!, hope you have a amazing day/night !!))

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