Whats this feeling?

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:no one's pov:
It had been about 3 days and a half since senjiro had arrived, uzui adored all the time they've spent, it was amazing to watch just how kind Rengoku is and how much brighter he seems.
Senjiro warmed up fast as he even gotten a little attached to uzui over the short time, he let uzui give him things and accessories he thought would make him even more "flashy" or small gifts and things to keep.
Rengoku adored watching uzui grow to senjiro and adored how bright and alive senjiro had become, it had been a while and it brighten Rengoku soul and his smile beyond words.
Uzui wanted nothing more then to make both his "owls" vary happy, and he did, Rengoku had never burn brighter with joy in such a while.

It had been a long day as they grew closer and knew slowly more and more to each other.
Senjiro was off picking flowers in the small forest/field, uzui sat with Rengoku under a cherry blossom tree as they chat.
Rengoku felt his chest ease up lots in this moment.
He trusted uzui, he wanted to get everything off his mind, he kept silent for a bit and uzui noticed as he stopped speaking.
Uzui:are you ok my flashy friend?
Rengoku snapped out of thought as he gave a half a smile nodding.
Rengoku stayed silent for a little before he spoke up again.
Rengoku:..you know how- I said- I was scared of storms? And that's why I cried?
Uzui nodded listening closely at everything Rengoku said.
Rengoku:..well that wasn't really all that true..
Uzui felt bad seeing Rengoku in such a sad state as he put his hand up to stop Rengoku.
Uzui:my flashy friend, I don't want you burdening yourself with telling me such personal stuff if you are not ready, take your time- I do not mind, I want you to be comfortable to tell me, even if it takes years.
Rengoku was surprised by this as he smiled brightly now knowing just how much uzui cared about all of this
Rengoku reached up and gently pushed uzui hand down but hadn't separated it from his hand yet.
Rengoku:ah !- do not worry, I have thought on this for a while my flashy pal, I'm 100% curtain on what I'm saying.
Uzui smiled weakly still not just a bit worried but relief Rengoku wasn't forcing himself to say anything.
Uzui listen closely blocking out lots of other noises as his focus shifted nearly completely to Rengoku.
Rengoku: I told you I was afraid of storms. But that is far from the truth.
When I was a child, and senjiro was much younger, my mother died of a illness (not sure if all that's right work with me 😭) my father- well..he strayed away from his family.
Uzui listen closely talking it all in as he slightly frowned and nodded.
Rengoku:my father became mean, and he often ignored us when he was drunk, I took care on senjiro. On stormy nights- senjiro would cry, and my father refused to help because he believed we where "grown enough" to handle ourselves, and we should "just grow up". I do admit his words are harsh, but do not ever speak I'll of him !!!
Rengoku gave a slight glare and a somewhat warning look that uzui quickly nodded at not wanting to make him mad.
Rengoku: My father left us alone as it stormed- when I moved away it became hard for me when it stormed- it brought back terrible memories, and usually senjiro presence helped ease it- but I could not see him so it became harder. I cried because I felt alone- it was dark- it felt like I was trapped in a void, I felt suffocated with no way out.
Uzui frowned more but kept quiet listening to everything rengoku had to say.
Uzui felt his heart swell for this man, he wanted to hug him- hold him, cherish and show him the love he deserved, make sure he never felt sad or alone ever again.
But why ? Why did he feel that way?- what's wrong with him?
Rengoku:I ask that you do not speak bad about my father, he wasn't always the best, but I know deep down, he hurt, and he feels alone just as I do on those nights.
I want him to someday look at me and realize everything will be ok, I love my father and always will.
So do not tarnish his name please.
Uzui quickly nodded as he smiled still engaged in everything rengoku spoke of.
:10 minutes later:
Uzui let rengoku vent on anything and everything, rengoku nearly cried on parts but somehow managed to stay strong as sustain his smile.
Uzui adored him for his strength and regarded him highly for this.
Soon rengoku stopped as he felt a great weight be lifted, a weight of burden, the burden that had silenced him for so long. The words spoken yet un-spoken, moments that weighed heavily on his heart.
Rengoku smiled brighter as he turned to uzui.
Rengoku: you know, if you wish to tell me anything weighed it be now or 2 years from now, I do not mind lending a ear!! I thank you for listening to me!!
Uzui smiled at this as he nodded, uzui sighed as he thought of everything he could possibly say, he then spoke with rengoku of his family, the dark past he held and the terrible crime he commuted.
He spoke of his reasons for running, he spoke of it all, everything that burdened him, but when he had gotten to his siblings death it's as if the air in his lungs wouldn't escape as he traded up and stayed silent.
(It's been about another 10 minutes at this point)
Rengoku was worried but stayed quiet as he gently pat uzui hand giving him a smile, this brought uzui back to reality as he felt his heart become warm just seeing rengoku beautiful smile.
Uzui: maybe I can talk of my siblings another time..
Rengoku nodded cheerfully understanding uzui still needed time.
Uzui felt his heart swell seeing how patient and kind rengoku had been about everything, he loved his eyes, his amazing unique owl like eyes.
His odd hair, his amazingly bright personality and smile, his kind heart, his patience, he loved how understanding rengoku had always been to anyone.
Uzui felt butterflies as he kept looking at all of rengoku features, he had to look away, what was wrong with him? What the hell was he feeling- why all of a sudden did he feel this way?
Senjiro soon ran up as he held out two flower crowns and had his own on his head.
Rengoku placed his crown on as uzui did the same.
Senjiro:now we can all match!
Senjiro said in a small but exited tone as he clung to his brother and sat between them talking with rengoku about the flowers.
Uzui watched as rengoku grew bright like the fire, like the sun, he couldn't help but watch how beautiful rengoku seemed to glow.
He smiled brightly at rengoku a smile, he loved how kind he was with his brother, he adored every bit of the day and looked forward for the days ahead.

But first, he has to find out, what it is- what is this feeling?

(Hope you all enjoy the chapters ✨🙌🏽, I'll try posting more if possible, but schools tough and I have shit tons of work, wish you all amazing days/nights, if it's bad I pray it gets better)

(If you wanna recommend this- including stories for other ships I wouldn't mind writing more, I would love to hear ideas! thank you. Stay ✨flashy✨)

Cherry blossoms 🌸Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ