Unspoken love 💔🥀

74 1 6

:no ones pov:
The final week of their vacation seemed to pass by too fast.
Uzui realized Rengoku would have to return soon, and they would possibly be too busy to hang out anymore, he wasn't ready to say goodbye just yet.
Uzui wished and prayed time would slow so he could have more time with Rengoku but nonetheless the week was almost gone and his wives would even be retuning soon from their visit.
Rengoku left for a little to get his brother home as his father gave him the clear.
Senjiro had tears as he weakly smiled and waved goodbye to Uzui as Rengoku and him set off.
Uzui was home alone with nothing but himself and his thoughts.
Uzui was laying down on the porch thinking of it all- his heart hurt, it felt like it was breaking, he never wanted Rengoku to leave- but..what would his wives think of this?
It was wrong- at least that's what he thinks- it should be wrong right ?
He suppose to love his wives and only his wives, he did love them- he loved them and cherished them with his life, but he felt that strong emotion towards Rengoku too- he cherished him, he adored him, he...loved him.
Mitsuri had been right, he fell head over heals with his best friend, and he had no clue what to do.
Uzui had decided the moment he realized the week was coming to a close, he would keep it all shut away, no one needed to ever know that he fell for his flame friend.
He would simply bottle it away and forget it over time, his mind should not be on such things, he has three lovely wives and should be glad for what he has.
That's how it's suppose to be...

:with Rengoku- no one's pov:
Rengoku had head over to his fathers as he soon arrived, he sent senjiro off as he wished to talk with his father.
Rengoku knocked as he heard a angry hum in response.
Rengoku entreated as he quickly kneeled down next to his father.
Rengoku:hello father, I'm sorry I had no visit on such a long time.
I've come to inform you that I will be sent on a long mission
Shinjuro kept facing away holding tightly to the jug of alcohol beside him as he grunted angrily in response.
Shinjuro: so what? Regardless you will fail, and you'll lose your life because of these stupid ambitions, give up on trying to slay demons already.
You'll lose your life for stupid reasons and it'll be pointless.
Rengoku listen as his smile faulted but he kept his arms crossed nodding.
Rengoku:well, I will continue my studies. I only wished to share my successes with you! I will be headed on a mission soon.
I will be accompanied by dear comrades of mine!!
I wish you great fortune and pray for your health.
Goodbye father, I shall return soon!
Rengoku stood up as his father stayed looking away drinking and ignoring most of his words waving him away.
Rengoku through all of this kept a smile on his face.
He soon exit the room and went to talk with Senjuro (idk how this boi name actually spelled so if it switches up that's why-))
After Rengoku finished there he headed off back to the hideout.
:at Uzui estate:
Rengoku arrived as he entered greeted by a semi-sad looking Uzui, but when Uzui seen him it seems his smile lighten up and his sadness went away.
Rengoku smiled at this and walked over to Uzui.
Rengoku: hello my flashy friend !!!!
Uzui smiled wide
Uzui:welcome back my flamboyant flame friend!!!
They both smiled brightly as they started chatting, time passed by quickly as Rengoku realized it was soon to get late and it seems it started raining out.
-11:27 -
Uzui: we should head off to bed soon !! It is getting late
Rengoku: ah! I have a mission here soon, it's best I head off now to arrive at my estate.
Uzui:no ! It is raining! I insist you stay here at least over night! I don't wish for you to be I'll before a mission!
Rengoku just smiled and nodded knowing Uzui is persistent.
Rengoku got up but stopped as he remembered how dark the rooms are, Uzui noticed this as he got a bit flustered and smiled.
Uzui: you can lay with me if that will make you more comfortable to be able to sleep tonight!! I don't mind!
Rengoku smiled a little flustered as he nodded.
Uzui and Rengoku left off to the room as they both laid down getting comfortable.
Uzui was faced the other way as he blew out his candle and closed his eyes ready and await the sleepiness.
A few minutes had passed in silence
Rengoku:..uh- my flashy friend..I'm not sure if this is a odd request- but would it be ok, if we cuddled.
Last time it helped me sleep and made me feel safe- if you wouldn't mind, ofc you don't have too !!!!
Rengoku flipped over looking at uzui back as he sat up just a bit.
Uzui flipped over as he pull Rengoku close without much thought.
Rengoku felt his heart race as he nuzzled into uzui and smiles brightly slowly drifting off to sleep.
Uzui felt his heart racing as he felt those same butterflies in his stomach, but he wish it would stop- why did he have to feel this way? When will it go away?
Uzui tried to push the thoughts away and just decided to enjoy the feeling because he assume it will be gone soon.
Uzui just sighed and nuzzled closer to Rengoku as he felt his heartbeat on his own chest, uzui smiled brightly as he closed his eyes and drifted off to his own dream world.

(Sorry if something or anything seems off lore wise- it's been a minute and I'm not fully caught up with all the episodes, otherwise thanks for reading I'll be uploading a few more chapters this week so just watch out for that! I hope your enjoying.
Another reminder that you can give me ideas on ships that you wanna make into a story. You can also say if you want smut or fluff or other things I don't mind.
Thank you have a great day/night)

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