Final moments?

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(This part of the story will fallow rengoku and what's going on , in his side. I apologize in advance if I miss anything from the movie it's been a little while since I've seen the entire thing)
Rengoku soon arrived as be boarded the train but stopped first to get plenty of food to fuel up, he got a few boxes and went inside and sat down at one of the free seats opening the box as he slowly ate everything in the box*
Rengoku:UMAI !!!!
Rengoku sat eating his trays of food each time saying just how delicious each bite was and cherishing each bite like it's his last.
Rengoku ate about half his boxes when he felt someone presence approach as he turned around still eating and yelled another "UMAI!" As he notices the three other slayers that had entered the kart

:time skip because I refuse to put too much detail into this:
Rengoku had slowly started falling asleep, it was late into the night now, his other three comrades had all fallen asleep, rengoku advised tanjiro it's ok if he leans on him to sleep so he did and knocked out.
Rengoku felt himself slip into slumber after getting his ticket punched by the helpers in the train.
Rengoku "woke up" as he noticed he was kneeling down with his father in front of him, he was confused
💭rengoku: why am I here?
he looked around but then nudged his sword remembering what he had come here for.
💭rengoku: right, to report to my father about becoming a Hashira.
Rengoku smiled as he spoke for a long time with his father, telling him everything and anything and every moment leading up to his success.
Rengoku soon finished awaiting his father's reply.
It was silent for a moment only
Shinjuro:so what if you become a hashira?
It stayed silent between the two as neither spoke.
Shinjuro: worthless, it means nothing!.
You'll still never amount to anything.
Again it fell silent for a few more seconds.
Shinjuro: neither you. Nor I.
Rengoku nodded as he wished his father well and left the room, as he was walking down and outside senjuro appeared from one of the rooms and greeted him happily.

:timeskip due to my needing to publish this:
Rengoku smiled warmly as he spent his time with his brother, but he couldn't help but feel like something was off about all of this.
He felt something bad, that's when he realized- he had already spoken with his father not long ago, he should have been on a mission on the train with the three young slayers he was assigned, something was off but he kept calm as he focused himself.

Soon enough rengoku wake up from a trance, the dream that he was so deeply captured in, I was furious he had so easily nearly been caught, he gripped the kids throat in front of him, the same kid that was trying to kill him.
He quickly let out as the kid collapsed tired, he will worry on it later he can't waste time, his responsibility is to make sure everyone on bored has not been consumed.
Rengoku quickly got ready noticing the other three slayers must have already ran off and woken up from their dream, this calmed him as he knew he wasn't alone, he smiled warmly as he took his stance.
Without hesitation he quickly bolted through the carts with speed and precision, slicing and cutting at the demon making sure each slice would make it harder for it to heal.
This gained more time for them as they protected the passengers, soon enough time seemed to pass as Tanjiro barely managed to slice through the demons head, this caused the train to go off rails as it crashed down but renting made sure no one was hurt.
Rengoku sighed in relief, it was over- he could return home to his family and fellow hashira safely.
Rengoku checked to make sure everyone was ok, no casualties, he exit the train to check on tanjiro, tanjiro was badly injuries and he did his best to console him, he informed him to try and slow his breathing and focus to stop the blood from flowing out the wound.
He chat with tanjiro making sure he was ok, but suddenly something flew slamming into the ground as dust flew up making a cloud, rengoku coughed brushing the dust away.
As the dust settled it turns out it was another demon, it seems this would take longer- he was wrong, and this demon seemed to be an upper moon.

Minutes had passive to nearly hours as rengoku desperately kept the demon away and the people safe, but his body was heavily injured and getting weaker as he tried his best to keep a strong strength and will, the demon had been trying to convince him to become a demon but rengoku knew better, he knew that was not the right way, life was a precious thing.
Rengoku knew the sun would rise soon, he needed just a bit more time- but did he really have time?- was time on his side?..

It was becoming a bit lighter out, but rengoku knew this wasn't the end, he had to kill the demon now- or never! He got into his stance preforming his final sword form.
As he plunged forward a fury of flames and strong shockwave of demonic energy collided, but in that moment something dashed right into the fire, the fire spun rapidly and with furry as it blocked their view.
What had happen?...

((Sorry this was a bit slow- I've been vary busy recently and dealing with some stuff, I hope you enjoy !! I'll try and post another part soon- this is a bit rushed simply because it's been a minute since I've watched the Mugan train- and I've been trying to finish up work.
Thank you and I hope you are all having wonderful day/night !!" ))

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