Chapter 17

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Y/N's POV:

The door slammed behind Ethan, and Harry scrambled off of me.

We had just been caught, for the second time today.

What was I going to do?

Ethan's gonna kill me.

"What the fuck do we do?" Harry asks, covering his naked chest.

"Your asking me! He's gonna kill me." I tell him, putting my bra on, and changing shirts.

I put a long sleeved hoodie on, and some leggings.

For fucks sake, I hope Ethan hadn't lashed out in front of the rest of the lads.

"Where are you going?" Harry asked me, frowning.

"To go and speak to Ethan. He didn't exactly see a lot." I said, grabbing my phone, and putting it in my hoodie pocket.

"Just leave him until he cools down, he's probably pissed right now" Harry said.

"No, he's obviously not that pissed because if he was pissed, he would've killed you already." I told him, truthfully.

"Besides, he only saw you getting off me, so I don't think he really had a view." I said.

To be fair, he probably only saw Harry's arse. That's it. I could've just said he was going to sleep.

I walked downstairs, and Ethan is nowhere to be seen.

"Guys? Where's Ethan gone off to?" I ask everyone waiting for an answer.

"He just stormed off out, his cars gone and he's not answering a text. Why? What happened?" Tobi asked me.

"Nothing, I just have to speak to him about something." I told him.

Fuck sake, he's really pissed. I'm guessing he went out, so he didn't do anything to Harry.

I mean, he did basically just walk in on his sister and his best friend shagging.

I walk back up to my bedroom, to Harry now fully clothed on the bottom of my bed, just sat there.

"Well, I've kinda got some good-ish bad-ish news." I said, sitting down next to him, and ruffled his already messy hair.

"Yeah? What?" He asked facing me now.

"Ethan's gone out, which is kind of good, because he's stopped himself from doing something he shouldn't to you. But It's also bad, because it means he's pissed. Which means he could come back worse." I said, now facing him too.

"For fucks sake, when's he gonna get over it?" Harry asked me.

"He's never gonna get over us, but the situation we're in, probably soon enough once I speak to him." I said.

"Why though? Why can't he get over it?" Harry asked me.

I just shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm going to get a shower, you staying in here or going?" I asked him.

"I mean, I could join in with you" Harry said, winking at me.

"No, you can't." I laughed.

"Why not!" He whined and dragged along his words.

"Because, my brother just basically caught us fucking, and you wanna go again?" I said, once again laughing.

"I didn't get to finish" He told me, pouting.

I made a disgusted look with my face and walked off into my bathroom.

Harry's POV:

Y/n has just got in the shower, and I'm already bored and I miss her. She's my source of energy, and makes me feel happy.

She fell first but he fell harderWhere stories live. Discover now