Chapter 3

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"Guys, this is my sister, Y/N Behzinga." Ethan told everyone. Everyone's eyes onto me.
"Hey Y/n, my name is Vik, nice to meet you! We've been so excited to meet you!" He told me. "Hey Vik! I've heard a lot about you guys, and I'm glad to finally be here. "Hey Y/n, my name is JJ, the best here and I hope you have a great time with us tonight." He told me, shaking my hand. Everyone else introduced themselves to me. "Where's Josh and Harry?" Ethan asked everyone around him. "Harry hasn't turned up yet, late as always, Josh is in his room getting changed." Simon told us. "Oh, well is Harry going to be here soon? Did you tell him what time to come?" Ethan asked again. "He should be here soon-" Vik said, being interrupted by a messy Harry Lewis walking into the living room. "Hey guys. I just woke up, enjoy the view whilst you can." He said jokingly.
"Just?! Bro, It's 1pm!" Ethan yelled at him laughing
"Yeah, well I snoozed my alarm! Not my fault" He said throwing his hands up in defense. "YOU snoozed YOUR alarm, Harry" Ethan said, I started building up my courage. Everyone just stared blankly and laughed.

"Sorry? New person?" He said cocking his head at me. "Harry, did you forget? You should know this is my sister, Y/N Behzinga" Ethan told him smacking his arm lightly as Josh also joined us. "Ofcourse I remember, I was joking Behz, you cannot take a joke." He said frowning. "Sorry, I'm really awkward with first impressions, my names Ha- Oh wait, you already know that, sorry" He said. "Don't apologise, I guess if I didn't get told by Ethan I wouldn't know your name" I told him coming closer to him.

"Anyways, how are you all? It's been ages you know" Harry said grabbing a snack from Josh's cupboard.

"We saw eachother yesterday, Harry." Vik commented and everyone else laughed. "So we did! I forgot about that" He said cluelessly.

We talked the night away and it was full of giggles and eventually it was time for me and Ethan to go back home.

We got into to the car, and Ethan made a very awkward conversation.

"So, you was close to Harry then." He said seeming quite mad. "What's that supposed to mean? I just met him, and he seemed funny as everyone else found him funny." I told him now looking at his neutral, but concentrated face on the traffic. "I saw the way you looked at him, Y/n, I'm not stupid." He said now having no expression on his face.

"What is this supposed to mean?!" I asked now getting super frustrated. "Do you like him? Because I know you!" He yelled still focusing on the traffic, posing a quick glimpse at me.

"Do I like him?" I laughed. "Me? I do not like him, Ethan. I don't know why your being like this! I just found him really funny!" I told him now staring down at my phone at the DM request I had got. It was Harry.

"Well, I'm keeping an eye out. He's not experienced with relationships Y/n, trust me! I know him more then you do!" He yelled.

"Right. Okay, I see I don't like him, so that won't effect me." I say still focused on the DM he sent me.

Hey! It's me, Harry from tonight. I saw you in Ethan's mention on his last post, not here for a specific reason just to say hi!

Hey Harry,  it was honestly so lovely meeting you and I'm glad I did! Maybe we could talk more. You  seemed really funny! And I think you are a nice guy!

He answered almost instantly.

Ofcourse! I'd love too, I'm just very awkward with first impressions, I thought I outdid it tonight. You seemed lovely, when Ethan comes round to film a video, we should talk more.

Definitely! I'll talk to you later, I'm just really busy at the minute!

He didn't respond after that, just left me on seen. He was really nice! But Ethan took it the wrong way, and he just needed some rest, he hasn't been getting the best sleep, due to overthinking. Hopefully he's okay soon.

"I'm going straight to bed Y/n, night." He told me, he seemed still pissed at me.

"You can't stay pissed forever! Shake it off by the morning!" I yelled, also walking to my room.


It's not that I'm pissed, Y/n I just want what's best for you, do you get me?

Ofcourse, but I'm 17 now, and I go my own ways. I know what you meant was trying to give the best to me, but I do not like Harry, I just think he's a nice guy, and he actually messaged me after we left,  just telling me how much he enjoyed mine and your company, and we should hangout soon.

Y/n, don't fuck around with him.. I love him so much, but I don't trust him with you right now, you two just met.

Behz, I wasn't gonna. I love you so much, and I have only just met him. I promise you, there is nothing and will be nothing going on with us. Trust me please. I'm going to get some sleep now, goodnight.

Okay, Y/n, I love you so much, I just want what's best for you, do you understand? I'm not trying to be pissy, but you, mom and dad, are the only family I currently have left. I'm only trying to be there for you. I'm sorry if I came across in a different way. Goodnight, love you.

I love you too, Ethan. Goodnight.


Well, this night went from up to down. I don't like Harry, I know he's just a guy I met, and I won't get with him, even if I did it won't be just yet. I love Ethan too much to hurt him, and I only just met Harry. He was a sweet guy, and even if it did intend more I wouldn't just yet.

I put my phone down, knowing I had messages from the other boys too, letting my head hit the hay once again. Me and Ethan never really fell out. But I just wanted to drop it for tonight, I didn't want to think about it no longer. So I fell into a deep sleep.

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