~•Chapter 7•~

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Hey guys! I finally updated, I know, shocker! I have been busy these few days, being newly 12 and all. It may be short, but it will get intense soon! Don't ask why a 12 year old is writing a story that is probably not something I should know. Oh and also, I have felt emotionless lately, like if someone makes a joke, I won't react. Is that normal? Enough about me, continue on! :)

(Gilly's POV)

Kayla and I were dusting one of the many hallways in the castle. That's when I heard talking coming from a room in the next hall. I glanced at Kayla, who was busying herself with cleaning the inside of a wardrobe, and decided I would go check what it was about, and get back before she even knew I was gone.

I left my duster on top of a cabinet I had started to clean and tiptoed towards the talking. I really didn't want to get caught, but my curiosity took over. The door of the room was left open an inch wide, and I glanced around nervously before putting my eye to the peek hole.

I first noticed King Arnard, and Queen Reinette. They were standing next to each other, with their royal-y clothes on. I then saw Jax standing in front of them, a little stiffly, which wasn't his style.

Another girl came into view, and she had light blonde hair twisted into a braid stopping at her shoulders; sparkling blue eyes. She was wearing a light pink gown covering her feet, and it was off-shoulder; long-sleeved. A silver jeweled tiara sat on her head, probably weighing a ton. She looked pretty, and I didn't like it. She was standing next to Jax smiling sweetly.

Two other older people who looked a lot like her were standing next Jax's parents. I guessed that they were the Pretty Girl's parents. Looking at the room closely, I saw that Raz wasn't there.

Why wasn't she there? I wondered to myself.

I continued to watch as they talked about something I couldn't hear.

Later, I saw the girl grab Jax's hand and smile at him. I frowned.

What was she doing?

Jax smiled back forcefully, and turned to his parents slowly nodding. I had so many questions!

What was Jax nodding to? Why was the pretty girl there? Did the pretty girl like him? De he like her?

The last question tried to stab at my heart, but I wouldn't let it. What was wrong with me these days?

I came out of my thoughts, and saw that they were walking toward the door, where I was.

I scrambled away from the door as fast as possible. I ran into the next hall, and bumped into Kayla, falling backward.

Just my luck, I thought, rubbing the back of my head. I looked up at Kayla, who had already dusted herself off and reached a hand out to help me. I took it, and she interrogated me on where I went, and what I was doing.

I pulled her to where we had been cleaning earlier and grabbed the duster off the top of the cabinet, acting as if I never left. I breathed in slightly before telling her to come closer. She did as I said, and I whispered what I had seen into her ear.

She took a step back from me, searching my face.

"What?" I asked.

"Oh nothing, it's just..." Kayla replied, trailing off.

"Tell me!"

"Ok, just... quiet down." She moved her mouth to my ear.

"I think the girl you were talking about, might be... marrying Jax." I gasped, and Kayla shushed me.

How come I hadn't thought of this before?

My gasp must've been loud since a guard walked over to ask us what was wrong. Kayla explained that we gasped when we saw the beautiful flowers in the vases. The guard looked at us a little suspiciously, but walked away. Once the guard was gone, I let out the breath I had been holding.

"That was a good lie," I complimented Kayla. She nodded and went back to cleaning.

I started to clean the cabinets, that was until I saw Jax and Pretty Girl pass through the hallway, arm in arm. Jax glanced back at me helplessly, as I thought of how to get him out of this mess.

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