~• Chapter 4 •~

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Hi Readers! I kinda lied about the update being soon.. Thanks for reading this far into this book, though! Y'all are probably wondering why Gilly wasn't shocked by Jax's eyes. But in this chapter I added it! Let's hope I have enough motivation and ideas to keep going!

(Gilly's POV)

I stopped running once I was in front of King Arnard's Palace. There were guards at the front gate and they looked rather annoyed that I was there. I had to fight the urge to stick my tongue out at them.

I calmly walked towards them and asked, "I'm here to be Jax's-I mean Prince Jaxon's maid. Where could I find him?"

The guards let me through and I walked in the palace. Woah, it was bigger than I thought it would be on the inside. Anyone could get lost in here.

"Hi! You must be Jax's maid. I'm Oliver Funklehouse, but you can call me Ollie," A voice greeted behind me. I spun around on my heel to see a boy my age with brown skin shining in the dim light and dark brown hair and eyes.

"Hi, I'm Gillian Cobbler. But you can call me Gilly." I shook his hand. Wait, did he say his last name was Funklehouse?

"Wait, your last name is Funklehouse-" I started but doubled over from laughter. Once I caught my breath, Ollie rolled his eyes.

"Sorry," I apologized, guiltily. He handed me a black dress with short sleeves, and the skirt part was slightly above the knees and there was a white apron. I would look ridiculous in that. I'm so glad Han and Hamish aren't here, they would burst out laughing.

Ollie practically had to drag me to a bathroom to change and I reluctantly did as he told. When I walked out of the bathroom Ollie burst out laughing. I scowled at him with a blush rising on my face.

My suitcase wasn't with him, so I assumed he took it to the room I'm supposed to stay in. He led me to Jax's room and opened the door. I found the dirty-blonde-haired prince lying on a bed, staring up at the ceiling. He jumped off the bed and almost fell to the floor.

"Oh, hey Ollie, Gilly." I looked at his face and a gasp slipped out. He had the most extraordinary eye color, violet. How come I didn't notice that the last time I saw him? Jax smirked at the shock on my face.

I blushed and said hi back. Then I realized how big his room is. I gazed at the sight around me.

"I know it's pretty big," Jax commented. I could feel the awkwardness in the room and Ollie broke it.

"Maybe I should leave you two alone." Ollie grinned at Jax and left. I took a seat on his bed and we just sat there in silence.

"I just remembered I have to do something. Bye!" I said, hurriedly. I got up from his bed and turned to leave.

But he grabbed my wrist and pleaded (with the cutest puppy dog eyes EVER), "Can you stay please, so I can get to know you better?" I caved.

So I sat on his bed again and I asked what he likes to do for fun.

He seemed to think about it before he answered, "I like to ride on my pegasus, Mighty. He's great, and we had a lot of fun times together." He leapt from his bed so suddenly I almost fell off.

He took my hand and led me to a stable. He dropped my hand and I immediately missed it for some reason.

"Where are we?" I asked. He smiled and my heart fluttered a little.

"This is the pegasus stables. I go here all the time to ride on Mighty," he said and pointed to a pegasus. But I noticed that there was another pegasus next to Mighty.

"Who's that?" I asked, pointing to the other pegasus.

"Oh, that's Macho. He's Mighty's twin." (I think that's what he was, I don't remember) I nodded. I walked over to Macho and hovered my hand under his nose. He sniffed it and I petted his mane softly.

"He definitely likes you better than me." I jumped at the voice, forgetting Jax was here with me.

"Could we ride on them?" I asked him. He nodded and easily placed a saddle on Mighty. He handed me a saddle and I attempted to put it on Macho. But I couldn't figure out how to. After a lot of struggling, I felt warm hands on top of mine.

"Here, let me help you," Jax offered, softly. My face must've turned into a tomato as he helped me place the saddle onto Macho. He backed away and there was not even a hint of red on his face. Grr..

"Thanks," I said, shyly. I quickly copied what Jax did and was immediately on top of Macho.

I bent down toward Macho's ear and whispered (as softly as I could so Jax wouldn't hear me), "Hey, this is my first time riding a pegasus. So help me out, okay?" Macho neighed in agreement, and I petted his mane again.

"Oh I forgot to say, pegasi can also read our minds," Jax added. Wow, that's really cool. Jax pulled on the reins and I did too.

Then I was soaring through the sky on Macho. I resisted the strong urge to close my eyes. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jax pull up next to me on Mighty. He petted Mighty's mane with the his left hand and held the rein tightly with his other. Stray pieces of hair blocked my view and I shook it out of my eyes. I was pretty glad I had my hair in a ponytail.

"This is fun, right?" Jax asked.

"Yes!" I yelled. I pulled on the reins again and Macho zoomed over to what seemed to be the roof of the castle. He landed and I looked around to see where Jax was. He flew over with Mighty and landed next to Macho.

"If you wanted to race you should've just told me," Jax teased. I ignored him and pushed the skirt of my stupid dress down because it was blowing in the wind. At least I still had my beloved boots. I glanced up and saw a mixture of colors in the sky. It was beautiful. I gazed at it and prayed that my siblings were alright. There was this comfortable silence between us, as we watched the sun start to set.

"We should probably get going," Jax informed. I nodded and we flew back on our pegasi in silence.

Once we got back, I followed Ollie to a room where my suitcase was.

He threw the door open and my jaw dropped all the way to the floor. The room was as big as my room and my siblings room combined. It had a queen sized bed (with sky blue sheets) in the middle of the room, a beige night stand next to it with a mini white lamp on top. I caught, a closet on the side of the room, out of the corner of my eye.

Ollie smirked and commented, "I know. I've gotten used to the big, beautiful rooms." He left, and I got the vast room all to myself. I changed my clothes, unpacked the suitcase, brushed my teeth, and jumped onto the bed and sank into it. I felt like I was floating on a cloud, but the train of guilt hit me hard. While my family was in a cramped boot, I got a huge space to myself. Ugh. I felt my consciousness slipping away, until I dozed off.

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