~• Chapter 6 •~

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Hi Readers! I'm so so sorry for not updating recently! It's jut that my parents made me get rid of google, and my last attempt of keeping Wattpad is by using Safari. I'm just trying to make it look like I'm not using it, let's hope they don't find out AGAIN. Sorry for all my blabbering, hope you enjoy this very late chapter!

(Jax's POV)

I was walking throughout the halls of the castle toward the kitchen to grab some snacks, before suddenly getting pulled into an alcove. I looked down at the person and it turned out to be Gilly.

I pressed a hand to my chest, and started, "You scared the spell out of me-" She put a finger to my lips, shushing me instantly. She rolled her eyes and removed her finger.

"Shh, don't be so loud, you big baby. Here take this," she tossed me a black oversized hoodie, that's when I noticed she was wearing a similar hoodie and dark blue jeans, "Come with me, I wanna show you something," Gilly whispered. I pulled the hoodie over my head quickly, then she took my hand and lead me to Who-Knows-Where.

I soon realized that we were heading to the castle gates, we were lucky it was dark outside or we would've been spotted instantly. I helped Gilly sneak outside of the gates without being noticed by the castle guards. After a long silence of her dragging me somewhere, I decided to speak up.

"So, mind telling me where we're going?"


"Hmm, if we went past the castle gates... then that means we must be going to the village." She smiled at me.

"You sure?"

"Very." She chuckled as we neared the village, well that's what I thought, but it was hard to see because the shadows were cast over it.

"You are correct, y'know," Gilly informed me, whilst stopping. She looked up and I followed her gaze, soon realizing why she stopped.

It was... wow, just wow. The stars sparkled in the sky, as if it was sprinkling its magic over us. The midnight blue and violet in the sky were blended perfectly. There were shadows covering places in the villages, but others were glimmering majestically in the moonlight.

Once I broke away from my stare, I noticed that we had been standing there for a little too long, plus we were holding each other's hands. My face burned as I cleared my throat and looked down at Gilly for her to continue on. Her cheeks turned cherry red and she dropped my hand. She whipped her head forward and trudged on. I followed.

Soon after walking on the empty streets, Gilly stopped again; me, not knowing that she was going to stop so suddenly, plowed into her with my momentum. Her arms seemed to flail around, grabbing onto a pole. While my arms were able to grab on to her waist and keep from smacking face-first on the ground. Gilly looked down at me and our faces flushed again, but in rhythm.

"You guys took forever! Come on!" A voice yelled, and I hurriedly pushed myself off Gilly.

I started to breathe normally as Ollie came into view.

"Gee, you don't have to scare me, Ollie," I said, rolling my eyes. He grinned when he saw how red me and Gilly's faces were. I thought I was red enough, but of course I wasn't when I flushed again. Ollie turned and ducked into a building. Gilly and I looked at each other, shrugging, then followed Ollie.

I walked into the shop, and looked around, standing there confused. Fairy lights were hung on the walls and leaves weaved through them. That's when it hit me, this shop belonged to-

"Hello, darlings!" Angelina greeted, bursting out of the employee's only door. I smiled, boy, was I glad to see her. Her eyes searched the room and met mine before landing on Gilly's.

Kayla was in the corner of the shoppe, leaning on the wall with her arms crossed. She got up and strode toward Angelina.

The two hugged, and once Kayla pulled back she introduced Gilly, "Mother, this is Gillian Cobbler, she prefers Gilly though. She is Jax's new maid." Angelina smiled at her, a smile that could warm anyone's heart.

"Now now, Jaxon, come over here, will you?" Angelina invited. I walked over to her and she engulfed me in a bear hug. Just her being around made me happier. Almost all my negative thoughts had vanished.


I pulled out of the hug and asked Angelina, "Where's Brooke Lynn and Emma Rose?"

She smiled. "I gave them a vacation for working so hard these past months."

Later, Angelina brought out platters of sweets that we devoured in seconds.

Then, she brought out the main dessert, cream puffs (I didn't know what else to do). She set them on the table and slowly backed away.

"What happened, Angelina?" Gilly asked her, clearly confused.

Ollie and Kayla grinned at each other, then replied at the same time, "You'll see." They turned to each other and blushed, but I had already started digging into the food in front of me.

Once I had gobbled the entire thing up (except the plate, of course), I flipped my head back and sighed contently.

A soft giggle came from Gilly's direction, so I looked at where she was pointing, and saw that she was pointing at my hair. I dragged my hand through my hair, and when I took it back, I had an ample amount of powder from the cream puff, on my hand. I blushed, as Kayla and Ollie burst into laughter. Eventually I joined in, and we were all in tears at the end.

I glanced at Gilly, who was laughing the air out of her lungs, and her red face looked kind of cute. I smiled, happy I had such great friends.

After our final goodbyes, we made our way out of the small shoppe as the sun started to rise.

"Whoever makes it to the castle last is a rotten dwarf!" Ollie yelled, and we ran off into the sunrise.

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