~• Chapter 1 •~

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Hello! I've finally decided to write a Jilly story! My 5-day weekend is almost over, too *sobs dramatically*. WARNING: There is a curse word in this chapter. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this short update!

(Gilly's POV)

I was reading a book on my bed (Felix got me interested in it) when I felt a little hungry.

I stood up and walked downstairs. As I was walking to the kitchen I heard voices. I stopped quickly and hid behind a wall.

"What if Gilly doesn't want to do this?" I recognized that the voice belonged to my mother. Why was she talking about me anyway?

"Oh please, we need to a least try to make some money for ourselves! This job is a great opportunity and it will pay off food for all of us!" I flinched at my father's loud voice.

I walked out from my hiding spot, surprising Mother.

"Oh- how long have you been there for, sweetheart?" Mother asked, nervously.

"Long enough," I replied, "What job are you going to make me do?"

"You're going to be a maid," Father deadpanned. My eyebrows shot up at the absurd idea.

He must've noticed my shock, because he explained, "It will pay you 75 dollars every day! And you have no school until September! Don't you understand how much this money can help your siblings?" I gulped, Father knew my weakness was my younger siblings. I would do anything for them, and it had been rough for the past few months. Even though I stole food some days.

"Fine, I'll do it. When am I supposed to start?" I asked with a sigh. Father passed me a newspaper flipped to the job section. My eyes skimmed the page for the maid job. Once my eyes landed on it, I started to read.

Personal Maid:
If you want to be a personal maid, then join us for a tryout to see which maid Prince Jaxon will choose for himself. Come to King Arnard's palace at 2 pm (sharp!) on 7/12! Call us so we know who is coming! We will decide who will be his maid on the morning of 7/13, the girl that is chosen will start later that day!
Phone Number: +1 (___)-___-____

Holy shit! I have to tryout to be a maid for A ROYAL! Oh my god, I hate royals! How could I even be a personal maid if a snobby royal is my master! I sighed, thinking about how skinny my siblings have become from the lack of food. I'm only going to do this for them.

"I'll go," I decided, wearily.

Mother pulled me in for a hug and whispered the most pressuring words softly into my ear, "I knew we could count on you."

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