~• Chapter 5 •~

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Hi guys! I'm super sorry for rarely updating; I'm trying to get some ideas into my head. Also sorry for the shitty chapter! Enjoy reading!

(Jax's POV)

My eyes fluttered open and my vision was a little blurry. I rubbed my eyes and jumped up from my bed. Yawning loudly, I thought of why I hadn't gotten much sleep. It must've been because I couldn't stop thinking about last night. Did I like Gilly? No, I couldn't. I shook the thoughts out of my head before the question could stab at my head, as I got ready to head downstairs.

When I finished getting ready, I descended down the spiraling stairs to where Gilly's room was. I knew that because it was the room my family chose for her. Raz blocked my way and pulled me into a hug. I hugged her back.

She pulled back, her golden hair flowing behind her, and exclaimed, "I barely saw you yesterday! Is the new maid nice? Could I meet the her?"

"The new maid is nice, and yeah you can. I'm going to go to her room and show her where the dining room is. She's supposed to eat breakfast with us to meet Father, right?"

"She's going to eat in the dining room everyday, but today, she is going to meet Father and Mother." My eyes widened with shock. Mother barely ate with us, even less than Father. I could tell Raz knew what I was thinking. Why was she going to eat with us now? More questions popped up into my head, but I shoved them to the Think About Later cabinet in my mind. Me and Raz walked silently toward Gilly's room.

Raz knocked on the door and the response came almost instantly, "Come in."

Raz turned the knob and the door flew open.

We walked into see Gilly sitting on top of her bed in a simple light blue halter top dress that was a little above the knees, her hair glowing in the daylight and the hair tie from her hair was missing. My jaw dropped unintentionally, but I pretended like nothing happened. She must've seen me do that because a light blush coated her cheeks. Raz cleared her throat.

"Hi, you must be Gilly! Nice to meet you! Let's hope my brother isn't causing you too much trouble," Raz smirked at me. I flushed, embarrassed. Gilly laughed; I immediately thought about how a laugh could be so precious.

We walked her to the dining room. I sat in my usual seat, Father sat at the head of the table, Mother sat in Raz's seat, Raz sat next to her, and Gilly sat next to me. I glanced over at Gilly, while she tried to hide a scowl that was pretty visible on her face. Did she not like my parents? She must've seen me looking, because her cheeks tinged with pink; she looked away. I turned my gaze down at my food. It was eggs and bacon. Eh, I don't like bacon that much, but it's fine. Then I remembered, it's Mother's favorite breakfast dish. I groaned inwardly. We ate in this very awkward silence. I could have literally cut the tension in the room with a knife. Where was Ollie when I needed him?

I finally decided to speak up, and asked (a little rudely, I may add), "What are you doing here, Mother?" Father shot me a glare that could kill, Raz gave me a small smile, and Mother looked away dramatically. I rolled my eyes at Mother's little scene.

"I- I wanted to see you all, but I had to go visit my friend for a something very important," Mother stuttered, but smiled at the end. She quickly glanced at Father, and I felt my body stiffen. They must've done something, I know they did. Whenever they share that glance, something bad happens. It always does.

"We found this nice girl for you-" Mother started. Not this again, I rolled my eyes.

"No! I told you before, I'm not going to get married! I'm too young!" I yelled furiously.

"But- at least meet her!" I peeped briefly at Raz for help, but she shook her head. We couldn't change their parent's minds, even if we tried. I reluctantly nodded, a deep sigh following it.

I ate my breakfast as fast as possible and rushed out of the dining room. I stopped in front of the pegasus stables, and gazed at the fluffy white clouds floating in the ocean blue sky. Hearing footsteps behind me, I spun around on my heel. It was Gilly, in all her beautiful glory.

Why are you thinking like that?

I don't know? Did I- no. I couldn't, she wouldn't.

Just then, a hand waved in my face as I blinked back into reality.

"Huh?" I asked, smartly.

"I asked if you were okay," Gilly responded, rolling her eyes.

"Oh- uhm yeah. I will be, at least for now."

"Well, I'm always here if you need me." She turned her gaze to the sky. I watched as a beam of sunlight hit off her hair, making it glow like caramel. Gilly's focus quickly turned away from the sky, not noticing that I had been staring at her earlier, thankfully.

Gilly walked away from the stables and I guided her to her room. We sat down on the bed and chatted. We were in the middle of talking when a knock came from outside the door. I looked quickly at Gilly, who nodded.

"Come in," I permitted. The door slowly creaked open and Raz's personal maid walked into the room. It was Kayla, with her short blonde hair stopping at her shoulders and her amber eyes full of mischief and kindness. She was pretty tall, at least two inches shorter than me. She grinned as she looked between me and Gilly. Once I realized what she was inferring, I glared at her.

"Hey Jax, I'm here to take your girlfriend with me to help clean up a tight crevice that I can't squeeze into," Kayla smirked at the word "girlfriend" then turned her gaze to Gilly, "Ollie told me that you're pretty short, and I think he's completely right." I sighed, and Kayla cleared her throat.

"Oop- sorry for not introducing myself. I'm Kayla Wingtip, Princeling's sister's maid. Nice to meet you.." She started.

"Gillian Cobbler, but you can call me Gilly," Gilly finished for her. They shared a smile, then Gilly grabbed her maid outfit from a dresser and walked out of her room with Kayla.

As for me, I walked back to my room to prepare for whatever my parents had planned for me. There was no escaping my fate.

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