~•Chapter 8•~

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Hey guys! I kept my promise! Not saying I wouldn't have, though. Anyway, get ready to cry a little or kick some ass (sorry), cause this chapter is short but INTENSE! Enjoy and have a great day or night!

(Gilly's POV)

I sat in my bedroom reading a book, since I had nothing to do, and was on a break.

A knock came from my door, and I said, "Come in."

Jax walked in, and sat beside me. I turned my head to look at him. His blonde hair was messy, but in a cute way; his suit made him look princely, which I guess he is, but not really... like himself.

"So..." Jax started, "I'm guessing you heard about the princess, Tessa." I clenched the book tightly, turning my stare to it. Why did she have to have such a pretty name?

"Yeah, I've heard," I replied, bitterly. He put his hand on mine.

"If you're worried about me, then I'll be fine, I don't really like her anyway." I try to contain my smile, he doesn't like her?

"So, is she your.. you know, girlfriend?" He removed his hand from on top of mine and ran it through his hair.

"Yeah, my parents have already told the news reporters, and I'm just so mad at them!" He stood up, kicking the wall. "They don't get to choose who I love!"

"So then why are you letting them?" He takes a deep breath in.

"They promised to leave me alone and stop bothering me if-if I married her. They told me I had to date her for around a year and get married next year." I gritted my teeth, breathing heavily. He turned to me, looking worried and cute at the same time. "Are you okay? 'Cause you seem mad. Did I do something?"

You made me fall for you, I thought. Wait what? When did I ever think like that? I don't like him! I can't... could I? I averted his gaze, looking at my book like it was the most interesting thing in the world. There was this awkward silence between us for a moment.

"Um, I think I have to go, my break is over anyway," I inform him. I hurriedly got up from my bed and run into Kayla in the hallway, again!

"Ugh, you seriously need to watch where you're going," Kayla groaned, rubbing the back of her head.

"Sorry," I apologized.

"Are you running from someone?" I chuckle and shake my head.

"No, my break was over, that's all." She raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything.

We got to work, cleaning the hallway.

After a while, Kayla and I got hungry so we snuck into the kitchen and grabbed a platter of cookies.

We hid in her room, shoving cookies in our mouth. We looked at each other, and burst out laughing. We looked hilarious with a bunch of crumbs on our lips.

Soon the cookies were all gone, and in our stomachs. I looked at the time, and bit my lip. It was 10 o'clock. I can't believe we slacked off for that long, and it was time for me to get some sleep. Then I remembered my siblings, and how we had many problems with money. I should be working harder, not slacking off! What if they give me less money for not doing my job or-

"What's wrong?" Kayla asked, making jump since I forgot she was there.

"It's 10, and we should probably get some sleep," I answered, vaguely. She nodded. I gave her a quick hug and walked out of her room.

On the way to my room, I noticed a familiar blonde-haired prince with a girl. Jax and Tessa. They were standing so close together, which made me nervous for some reason. Suddenly, Tessa pulled Jax in and kissed him. Jax just stood there, and then finally met my eyes. My heart shattered into a million pieces like a mirror that has been dropped. I turned and ran past them to my room; tears running down my face.

"Gilly!" Jax called, but his voice got far away as I collapsed onto my bed. I was somehow able to get up, change my clothes, and brush my teeth before burying myself under the covers. I curl into a Gilly-ball and cry until I can't no more. I wiped the tears off my cheeks, He doesn't deserve for me to cry for him.

Eventually, I fall asleep, wrapping my arms around my body, as if it's the only thing keeping from breaking apart.

The Prince & The Maid (A Jilly Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant