I'm Gonna Fold And I'm Gonna F***

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Ryan POV

Circling the last answer on the homework, I sighed in relief as I flipped to the next page. Instead of being at cheer practice, I was in study hall with Mrs. Clover.

Going over the assignments I missed, I scolded myself because all of this work was easy to me.

Work that I let slide by because I was having daddy issues, I was disappointed at how I shouldn't be in this room at all.

I knew the material without studying and it was kind of embarrassing that I was here in study hall.

  Focusing myself back to my work, I read the next question as I heard the field door opened.

It slammed shut behind some people coming down the hallway as I glanced up.

Watching the door, Maurice and Dion walked by shirtless, laughing and talking as they passed my class.

Smirking, I looked back down at my assignment as a tap on the door made me look up again. Staring up, I blushed as Maurice stood there with his flirtatious smile.

    Glistening with sweat, his gym pants saged attractively as he chewed on his mouth guard. The twist in his hair were a bit messy but on him they looked just fine.

Lusting after me with his stare, Mrs. Clover clearing her throat made him look away.

Mrs. Clover: Can I help you Mr. Jones?" she teased as he smirked.

Maurice: Gees, I can't come see my favorite teacher." he covered as him and Dion walked into the class.

Maurice: I was walking and seen you Mrs. C."

Mrs. Clever: Mm, try that with Mr. Oliver Jones, I know why you are here." she defied as he smiled with his mouth guard.

Mrs. Clover: Ryan is almost done, she does not need you distracting her right now." she warned as Maurice and Dion hugged her.

Maurice: Aight, since you kicking a nigga out and shit." he cursed as Clover slapped his care chest.

Mrs. Clover: Goodbye! Both of you!" she ordered pushing them away from her desk.

Laughing at how they annoyed her, they turned for the door as Maurice slipped through the seats.

Mrs. Clover: Maurice Jones!" she scolded as he grabbed my face and left few kisses.

Dashing for the door, he avoided the pencil she threw at him as they ran back outside onto the football field.

Blushing entirely, his lips felt good on mine as my eyes landed on Mrs. Clover who was glaring at me. Quickly wiping the smile from my face, I got back to work.

Filling out the last page, I sighed again as I stood up. Walking over to Mrs. Clover, she perked up at the sight of my homework packet being complete.

Mrs. Clover: All done?" she smiled.

Me: Yes ma'am." I smiled back. Taking it from me, she barely looked over it before grabbing her grading pen.

Me: Are you not going to look to see if I got something wrong?" I asked.

Mrs. Clover: I don't need to, I know you got all of it right." she approved as I smiled.

Writing a big 100 and circling it, she stamped my last homework assignment next to my name on the attendance sheet.

Mrs. Clever: Alright, you are all caught up!" she said eagerly. Hearing those gracious words, I watched as she put my name down for the Senior Trip.

The weight on my shoulders lifted as this time it wasn't about money, it was about completion.

Ryan Janae: Senior YearWhere stories live. Discover now