Ryan's Intervention

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Maurice POV

Opening my eyes to sound of people moving, Ryan's body ontop of mine brought a sense of peace.

  Looking down at her she was passed out, drooling on my chest as her curls covered her face. Her soft breaths tickled me as I rubbed my hand on her burning back.

A shadow coming over me made me look up as Dion smirked down at me.

Dion: rise and shine nigga." he taunted rubbing my curls.

Me: move nigga." I hissed as he laughed.

Dion: you sleep well?" he taunted as I sucked my teeth.

Squinting around the room, the smell of breakfast was being cooked as the boys cleaned up the living room space we slept around.

Me: what time is?"

Dion: Nigga, 12 sum." he snorted a laugh.

Me: damn." I said. Looking down at Ryan, she was in no way getting up any time soon. She was snuggled peacefully against me and I had to admit, I missed when she felt this safe wit me.

Ace: I see you Reese." he hinted as I smiled.

Me: shut nigga." I hid. Placing hands carefully on Ryan, I moved her body gently off of mine and onto the couch we shared.

Laying her neatly, she was so knocked out that she didn't even notice I had moved her. Pulling the covers up around her head, I made sure she was good before heading to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

JJ: So everything good wit y'all?" he asked as him and Ace followed me. Turning on the bathroom light I grabbed my toothbrush I left on Senia's holder last night and began to brush my teeth.

Ace: we heard y'all last night." he lied as I glared at him. Spitting out the toothpaste, I brushed my tongue as my chain hung over the sink.

Me: you ain't hear nun nigga." I spit out the toothpaste again.

Ace: Oh I heard something, y'all was sleeping above me on that couch." he said with raised eyebrows.

Shaking my head at his antics, I knew what he was talkin about. Ryan and I had shared a few taunting kisses, kisses that we owed one another before we actually went to sleep.

Me: you heard us kissing. That's it nigga." I said as he laughed.

Ace: if you wanna call it kissing." he teased as I pushed his chest.

Me: shut up." I loathed as they walked back into the living room with me. The smell of the good food the girls were cooking caught my nose as I turned to the kitchen.

Me: Y'all in here doing the damn thing ain't ya?" I smirked as eggs, sausage, bacon, pancakes and french toast laid on the counter.

Senia: we were thinking of cooking a nice breakfast for Ryan before we talk to her." she smiled small. Smiling, I took a piece of bacon and ate it.

Me: She will definitely appreciate it." I loved to her. Blushing kindly, she turned the oven off as they got done with the last bit of crispy bacon. Placing it on the stove to eat, I helped set the table for us to have a proper family breakfast.

   Through all of this, all the nose the girls were making cleaning up the things they used to cook with and the boys and I rattling glasses and plates to set the table, Ryan had not woken up. She was foreal, was passed the fuck out.

Placing her plate next to mine, I watched as she mumbled something in her sleep. Turning over to the other side, her curls completely covered her.

Senia: Should we let her sleep more?" she mumbled next to me.

Ryan Janae: Senior YearWhere stories live. Discover now