She Is Still My Lil Baby..

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Maurice POV

Coming into class today was quiet.

The girls had shared with us the argument they had with Ryan yesterday. Instead of being mad at her they were all worried. Each of them were worried about her appearance and so was I.

Ryan was the most clean, perfectionist girl there was. Her coming to school yesterday in dirty sweats and a stained white shirt caught me for a whirlwind.

I knew she was taking the break up hard because I was too, but I did not know she was torturing herself.

I was starting to think I was wrong, Ryan was one to hold things in. She would never tell you what was wrong but her actions would.

Her messy hair, smelly clothes and pale face told on her for us.

She came in last closing Mrs. C's classroom door and walking over to her desk. She had on the same hoodie she had the first day as she plopped down with her hood over her head again.

I kept my eye on her as Mrs. C started class.

Mrs. C: alright, I hope everyone did the homework form last night." she said, taking my eyes away from Ryan. The classroom moved together as we pulled the homework assignments out.

Mrs. C: these will be graded and returned to you by tomorrow." she said as she went around collecting them.

Mrs. C: You will need them to complete page 1." she said coming to our row. Handing her my paper, she went down us before crossing over to Senia's and Ryan.

Placing my notebook down on the table, Jordan nudged me. Staring up at him, he nudged me in Ryan's direction as Mrs. C stood over her.

Mrs. C: Ryan do you have your homework?" she asked as I darted my eyes to her. She sighed exhaustingly before looking up at her with dark circles.

Ryan:..I don't have it.." she mumbled.

Mrs C: did you forget it?" she said, giving her leeway.

Ryan:..I didn't do." she admitted as Tyla snickered next to me.

Mrs. Clover: I see.." she mumbled, turning for the front desk.

Mrs. Clover:.see me after class Ryan." she said, walking away from her. Ryan hung her head down as Mrs. C continued with class.

It was not like Ryan to not get her work down, she must really believed me when I said I slept with Lori. I said it out of anger, I would never betray Ryan like that and how she was acting made me feel bad all over again.

The bell rang for class as Ryan stayed in her seat. I hesitatantly gathered my things, wanting to stay with her as Mrs. C came around her desk and leaned on it. The room cleared as Mrs. C sighed cautiously.

Mrs. C: I know you all may be concerned." she said as I realized that nun of the gang got up.

Mrs. C: but I need to talk to Ryan alone." she said as Ryan saw us still sitting in our seats.

She looked down at her desk, cowering away from us as I slowly stood up. I pushed my chair in as everyone slowly followed.

Senia: well tell Coach S she is with you.."  she lingered.

Mrs. C: I will write her a late pass." she nodded. She dismissed us as we made our way out the class. The door was closed behind us as we stood outside of the classroom. My eyes latched with Ryan's through the glass door window as I felt a tug in my heart for her again.

Senia: please talk to her.." she mumbled snapping my stare away. Looking back at her, she was no longer looking at me, but at Mrs. Clover.

Me: I will." I swore.

Ryan Janae: Senior YearWhere stories live. Discover now