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[Scissors symbolize clear thought and logic, separation of life and spiritual unity]

Russia POV:

     I'm not doing anything interesting, just in a grocery store for some food... maybe a few snacks but not a lot. Well, I wasn't doing anything interesting until I accidentally bumped into a guy. I turned back to face him and apologized, "Sorry, that was my fault" the guy looked at me and shrugged. "S'okay s'not your fault" He responded, that's a southern accent from the USA, right? Sounds pretty similar like the movies, but then again, they're movies... they can be totally wrong sometimes.

     "I'm Jefferson Richmond," The guy said as he held out his hand for a handshake, "Nice ta meet'cha!" I shook his hand... this is... awkward. "I'm Ivan," I said, "Nice to meet you too Jefferson." I want to not have a conversation right now... like I really don't. Besides, something about this Jefferson Richmond feels off, I don't know why but I don't like it. "Sorry but I'm kind of in a hurry," I told Jefferson, "It was nice meeting you though" Then I bought the food and snacks and left, not too quickly it's weird but quick enough.

     When I got back to my room, I saw Poland standing right in front of the door. "Uuuh... Do you need anything Poland?" I asked, He shook his head and looked at the grocery bags in my hands. "I guess America was right." was all he said before leaving and hiding back in his room. That was weird... then again, it's Poland, he's always been a little off. But not the untrustworthy kind of off, just the kind where he's a relatively good person just with a few loose screws. It's not too surprising, for everyone else anyway. I still don't understand how the other three countries aren't fazed by it, they're probably just more used to it than I am.

     Anyway, it's half past noon now... have they had lunch yet? I doubt it, knowing how busy everyone is. They're all either thinking about something or working on something, mainly Poland, but I do know that Ame likes to play dumb. He does it a little too well sometimes, it's kind of scary how well he does it. He's also amazing at hiding secrets, that's also scary. I've never been able to understand how he does it. But I've also never really had anything to hide, so that's probably it.

Poland POV:

     When America told me Russia left to get some groceries, I wanted to kill Russia, or America, either would work. I don't trust Russia, he's... to similar. Too similar but too different all at the same time. I don't get it, how are they so different but so similar? What if Russia is just pretending, like him. He was always a good actor until he 'disappeared'. I know that's not what happened though, he didn't just disappear, he died. That's a mystery I'll need an answer for some time in the future, if I even have one.

     After around 30 minutes, Russia came back. I've been standing by the door for a good 10 minutes, to see how long he would take, and it wasn't long. He also had plastic bags in his hands, I guess America was right. Maybe I could actually trust Russia, even though there are risks. No, that's a bad idea, I've been around him and his kindness for too long. It's getting to me, his surprising trustworthiness... I bet his kindness isn't even real, he's probably just pretending... Pretending just like his father and his friends. His father always denied that they weren't his friends, he lied... he lied, they always lie. He told me he wasn't friends with them, and then he attacked me with the others!

      There's nothing that will convince me that Russia is actually a kind and caring person. I refuse to believe it, there's no way at all, he's just the same as his father... What if he isn't? Could he actually be different? Could he? There's no way, right? Maybe I could ask America about it, he's known Russia for a long time and still gets along with him. I could get to know Russia more; I could get to learn if he's the same... But what if he lied to America too? I know America wouldn't lie to me, not after the experiences we've all shared and all the 'coincidences' that have happened. There's still a chance for that, I don't want to take that risk, it's too dangerous for me... for America, for Czechia, for Philippines, for everything we've worked for!

     I was taken out of my thoughts when I heard America yelling, "We've got some lunch guys!" I peeked my head out of my room and made sure it is really lunchtime, which it is. I walked out the door and took a plate from America... Toasted bread with melted cheese? "What's this America?" I asked him, curious. His jaw dropped in shock, "You mean you've never had a grilled cheese?!" He asked, the look on my face said enough. He sighed, "A grilled cheese is just toast with melted cheese on it, it's really good too," He explained. I decided I'd try it; I don't know how I've known America for a while, and I've never seen this... Grilled cheese? I tried it and, like America said, it was good.

     After everyone finished their grilled cheese Philippines tried to get us all to play a game called Uno. America and Russia decided to play, Czechia having played it all day decided to skip out on it, and I'm busy trying to figure out what to do about our situation. Our house was burned down to the ground, we still don't know how to get to the groups base, we don't even know who's in the group! I have to think and figure it out... Just as I was about to head back into my room, I heard Russia mention something. "Oh, and by the way, I met this weird guy while I was shopping today," he said, I stopped in my tracks, and I turned my head to look at him. "Explain," I demanded.


I'm smiling like that 1 devil emoji rn... I'm so excited too! In my ELA class we're writing Fanfiction... I'm normally annoyed by fanfiction, yes, I know this is technically a fanfic. I struggled to write a single sentence! I chose to do a Magnus Chase and WW2 crossover with my own version of Lyudmila Pavlichenko. She was a really cool lady during WW2, kind of sad she's not as known, she deserves more recognition istg!

Also, the grilled cheese came from the USA, not surprising if I'm being honest. Also I was talking to my friends about WW2 and at some point we got to the topic of Hitler... it went like this.

Friend 1:"Yesterday my dad walked up to me and said 'Hitler was effective'"

Friend 2:"WHAT!?"

Me:"I agree"

Friend 2: *Looks at me shocked* "WHAT!?!"

Me:"He was a very successful influencer"

Friend 1:"Yeah, he got people to burn down libraries-" 

Me:"And synagogues"

Friend 1:"Without social media"

Friend 2:"Without social media!?"

*a lot of joking about social media and Hitler being an influencer later, we got to the topic of his death because friend 2 was going to draw a voodoo doll of him dying*

Friend 1:"Wait, how did he die?"

Me:"Gun. Head. Trigger"

Friend 1:"Why would you say it like that!?"

Me:"Like what?"

Friend 1:"Nevermind"

then friend 1 finished drawing mustache man as a ded voodoo doll. :)

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