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Russia POV:

     Everyone is either in their room or asleep, except me and Ame. I finished doing some work I needed to catch up on, and I decided to ask Ame something. "Hey, Ame, I have some makeup in the bathroom... If you want to go out and act like you're a normal human." I told him, He looked at me and smiled. "You're talking to me, Rus, I'd love to get back out in the world" He said, "But I shouldn't. It's too big of a risk." I rolled my eyes. "Alright, sounds like something you'd say." I muttered, "Just go to bed, it's almost midnight." Then I turned around and walked into my room.

     I had a little surprise standing in my room, it was Czechia and Philippines looking out the window. I rubbed the bridge of my nose and sighed. "You guys do know that you have your own window... right?" I asked, they looked at me and nodded. They started to walk out and Philippines said, "We know, we just like the different views" Czechia nodded but didn't say anything... or make a sound while he walked down the hall. Why is he so freaking quiet? It's really strange. It's fine... I know a few quiet people like that, just not that quiet.

I closed the door and went to bed... I'm too tired for shit tonight.


     In the morning I heard yelling coming from the kitchen... great. I change my clothes and walk out the door to see Ame and Poland reading on the couch and Czechia and the Philippines, who was the one mainly yelling, fighting over what to make for breakfast. "Clearly pancakes are the best option!" Yelled the Philippines, Czechia shook his head. "Waffles, you can hold them like a piece of toast with syrup inside." That made the Philippines hesitate. "... true... Fine, we'll do waffles." He muttered in defeat. The two arguing idiots noticed me and waved, "Czech is going to make some waffles, is that okay?" Philippines asked, I nodded, it's nice not having to make myself breakfast for once.


     When everyone finally went quiet, specifically Czechia and Philippines, we all sat in silence. Fortunately, it wasn't the awkward kind, it's the comfortable kind of silence. The only sound was Philippines and Czechia occasionally whispering and the kitchen utensils. Well, the only awkward part was Poland glaring at me and me staring back confused. I'm still wondering why he hates me so much; it doesn't make sense to me. I don't think I did anything... right? 

     After a few minutes Philippines held up a plate filled with pancakes, "LET'S GO!" Then he grabbed some plates and put a pancake on each plate. "Everyone, come and get your pancakes!" Philippines yelled happily. Ame immediately ran over and me and Poland took our time. Does he ever stop glaring? I mean, sure I can be unlikable, but glaring at me so often is a little... over the top? It's fine I guess... there's probably a reason behind it, knowing Poland.

Philippines POV:

     Pancakes are the freaking best! Especially when they're made by Czechia, his pancakes are even better! America understood, he ran for the pancakes, but Poland isn't as enthusiastic... not surprising. Russia seemed more confused, probably a combination of Poland glaring at his back and America running for some pancakes. Poland really needs to explain to Russia about why he is the way he is. But I can't force Poland to do anything, he'll do it on his own, I know that.

     Anyway, I gave everyone their pancakes and Czech made sure there was syrup on them, because pancakes without syrup is just wrong. Then I realized, he's never had Czechs pancakes before. That's going to be a surprise for Russia... maybe? I don't know how he likes his pancakes, I guess we'll find out. Poland didn't show any emotion when he had his pancakes, but me and Czech know that he likes them. It takes talent to not like Czechs pancakes, Poland tried to not like his pancakes and yet he likes them.

     "These are some good pancakes, Czechia" Russia said, I looked at Czech and smiled. He did it again, he still has the best pancakes to ever exist... that's just my personal opinion but considering how no one's ever hated his pancakes before I think it's true. "Thanks Russia" Czech thanked him, see? It takes talent to not like Czechs pancakes, they're so freaking good I could eat them breakfast, lunch, and dinner. That's really exaggerated but that just shows how good his pancakes are.


     When everyone finished Poland decided to head back into his room, as always, and the rest of us just sat or stood there. Well, Russia did his work but the rest of us were pretty bored. Ame tried to get us to sit and watch some TV with him, me and Czech tried but it didn't really interest us. Russia stood up and walked over to me and Czech. "I have some 2 player games if you guys want to do that." He suggested, me and Czech nodded, "Why not?" Czech added. Russia walked over to a stack of games, "I've been meaning to organize them and put them away but I never get to it, so just go through it until you find a game to play, I guess?" He explained. That explains the pile... and the reason why it's not as organized as the rest of his stuff.

     After a little bit of looking through the pile Czech found Uno, so we decided to play that. I shuffled the deck and dealt the cards. We played Uno for a long time, and I mean a long time, I think we played for an hour and a half... but who's counting? Not me, that's for sure... I just know we played for a really long time. Also, Czech is apparently really good at Uno... How and why Czech? "How often have you played Uno?" I asked him, he looked up from his cards. "This is only my second time," He said, "I played once with America, it was really competitive for some reason" I nodded with a confused look on my face. I guess that explains it?


Since winter break is over for me school is back to being an idiot. Chapters are probably going to take longer to write and publish, just so you know. Also the chapter name is based off of a scene from Onyxxcrows 'Starboy' animation, so I'd go check that out if you want an idea of what I'm doing.

A Flame of Revenge|A Superpower AU|Where stories live. Discover now