3-A hooded teen

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Russia POV:

     I didn't understand why their identities were such a big deal until I remembered... "You're all the missing countries..." I whispered in shock. Philippines turned to me and smiled, "Took you a little while, but yeah. That's us!" Then he knocked lightly on a door. "Hey... we have a someone here" Philippines said quietly. The door opened and another country looked up at Philippines. "Who?" The other country asked, cautiously poking his head out. Philippines pointed at me, "Him... Russia Moscow." I hesitantly waved a little. The countries eyes widened and he shut the door. "Tell him to go away." he said, muffled, behind the door.

     I looked at Philippines and he shrugged. "It's best if we let him be," He said, "He can seriously mess someone up." I nodded, but what was that all about? I noticed that Philippines was fidgeting with a watch around his wrist... that country must be a big deal if Philippines is fidgeting from such a short interaction. "Also, why is your boss a fifteen-year-old?" I asked Philippines, who just laughed nervously. "No reason, let's just get out of his space for now." Philippines said, deflecting my question.

     As we walked out I decided to push it. "What's his name, the hooded teen?" I asked, Philippines looked at me and sighed. He took me to a different room, that I assumed was his, and started talking. "He's Poland... and the reason why isn't any of your business." He said, "I'm just someone who ended up with him, the public world is just too dangerous for us right now." I'm even more confused now. What does he mean by "the public world is too dangerous right now"? Is he worried about getting all over the news or sudden attention? Why is that something dangerous for him and the others? I guess I'll figure that out later.

Poland POV:

    Why him of all people?! The son of the one who caused me so much god damn pain!? No. Way. I bet he's just like his father... well, maybe not. But the apple doesn't ever fall too far from the tree... unless it somehow learns to walk or fly on its own. Hmm, if apples could fly or walk would they be considered animals? I mean, an apple is already a living organism so it would make sense to call it an animal if it could move on its own. What are the requirements for an animal? It has to be intelligent, right? An apple isn't really what anyone would call intelligent... but then again Jellyfish don't have brains and they're still called animals. So, I guess a flying or walking apple would be an animal. That would be weird, actually it wouldn't. If apples could walk or move around, then that would be normal once it reoccurred enough times... where was I?

     It's fine, I don't really care. I just don't want to see them. Never again, or at least if I do it's when I get revenge. Those idiots are going to pay for all the trouble they're causing. How do they even get away with it?! Like, they kill and kidnap people and yet the heroes and policja haven't done anything significant? Then again that's the reason I do what I do, it's all to get them where they belong. Either down in hell or in a prison cell. I know that 2 are already in hell. That other guy wasn't really a problem, he really just stood there. If I'm being honest he didn't deserve to die. I just need to get that last one, she's the main problem. The main reason why their all still happening.

     I turn away from the door and look back around my room. I walk over to a rusty hourglass, where the sand drops the opposite way. I still don't understand how it defies the laws of gravity. I pick it up and turn it left and right, looking at the engravings in the base. I also traced a finger along the detailed posts, it's so pretty I forgot why my father always protected it... Maybe it wasn't because it's pretty, it was probably because it denies the laws of physics, that would make sense.

Red dot POV:

     I sat on top of the videogame watching Russia closely, he's so similar to his father. By looks anyway, his personality has always been different from his father. He's also surprisingly awkward around new people. I thought I told him how to not be awkward! I guess he forgot, which is surprising he usually has a great memory. I guess he's been so busy he forgot, or he just didn't care. Whatever it's not my business.

     While I watched Russia and Phil talk, I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around, ready to fight if it was someone who wasn't supposed to be here, but instead I see Czech. [I'm gonna go fix that in the last chapter I wrote, I wrote Check and I feel so annoyed at myself right now] "What's the problem Czech?" I asked, he sighed and sat down next to me. "You know him don't you," He asked, "Russia?" I nodded.

      "I knew him when I ran my business." I replied, "That was a while ago now though." Czech looked at Russia before talking again. "You guys look the same age." He commented, I rolled my eyes. "I was a teen when I started my business and I turned twenty when I 'disappeared'" I explained, "We look the same age because we are. Or we're at least similar in age I think I'm a little older." Why does Czech notice pretty much anything? It's not even part of his power for god's sake!

     I stood up and started to leave, until Czech mentioned something. "Why did you avoid him earlier?" He asked, I could feel myself tense up. "It's none of your business," I snapped at him, "Besides, he'll figure it out one way or another." Then I left. When I got back on the ground and off the videogame I decided to go through it again and again. It's easy to pass the time and avoid talking, something I definitely want to do right now.


Ooooh, we got some new POV's. Pretty sure you know who red dot is at this point, if not I'm really bad at dropping hints then. I also think I should mention this for future reference, but humans bleed regular blood while countries bleed some black substance. Like y'know in every angsty, trauma-filled, depressing, modern-ish day RusAme fanfics when Ame sometimes has that black substance either be coughed up or come out of his eyes like a something idk what? I swear, that black stuff is used all over the place in the CH fandom and yet we haven't named it anything... I vote for Gerald [no offense to anyone named Gerald].

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