20- Here we go again

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"I'm surprised you have the nerve America," Imperial Japan sneered, "Especially after that unfortunate seventh of December," America glared at the country, in fury and annoyance.


Third Person POV:

     "At least I'm not a sadistic old woman," America growled at Imperial Japan. Eyes wide, Phil held his balisong protectively. Imperial Japan sneered at America's comment and chuckled, almost sounding kind and empathetic... almost. "Oh, come on, Ame. We don't want another Pearl Harbor, do we?" She commented, making America raise his gun again. Russia looked at the previously jailed country. Poland looked calm and collected, even though his mind was racing with questions and things he did not want to remember.

     Russia took a step forward and morphed his ball of tinfoil into a shashka. "Do you know what happened to my father's company?" Russia asked, trying to keep his voice steady. Imperial Japan's mouth curved into a slight frown, "I know many things, but that isn't one of them," she answered. America took the chance and fired his gun at her, hitting her left shoulder. She cried out in pain and fell to her knees on the floor. She looked at the tatami mats on the floor momentarily, before snapping her head towards America, her eyes glowing a crimson red, glaring at the star-spangled country.

     Poland was shaken out of his thoughts at the sound of a gunshot, his head snapped towards the sound, towards America. Phil was trying to suppress his urge to smirk at Imperial Japan's pain. America had no expression, just a blank face with cold electric blue eyes staring at her. She glared at him with her glowing eyes, her body trembling in agony. "You don't want another Hiroshima and Nagasaki, isn't that right Jap?" America spoke with a callous and spiteful tone, his eyes glinting with anticipation.

     "You want to play that way? Fine then..." Imperial Japan muttered under her breath, just loud enough for the group to hear. She forced her way up into a standing position, her right hand clutching her left shoulder. Her eyes kept glowing, but the glow became more intense. A holographic, ghost-like, fox tail faded into view behind her. Her fingers shifted into dark fox claws, making her look more foxlike. Russia gripped his saber, prepared to fight. America rolling his eyes and digging through his backpack... not the right time America. He pulled out a snack, a granola bar, and started to eat it. "You just signed your death warrant, Jap," America said with his mouth filled with granola bar.

     Imperial Japan spotted Phil, who was standing with his small balisong, and lunged towards him. Phil leaped to the side, to avoid getting clawed by the fox granny. Then he tripped on his feet and scrambled behind Poland, the nearest person to him. Poland lazily turned his head towards Imperial Japan, his eyes half closed and a bored look on his face. "Trying to hurt someone weaker than you?" Poland taunted, "How pathetic," That made Imperial Japan snarl and she charged towards him, unaware of what he could do.

     In the blink of an eye, Poland's phoenix-like wings reappeared. The sudden heat making a gust of air spread out, like in movies. Imperial Japan stumbled back and growled at Poland, who just glared at her with disdain. "Scared of a little fire?" Poland acknowledged. Imperial Japan glared at Poland and spoke in a venomous tone, "Never," at that response America laughed. America slapped his knee while he laughed before calming down and speaking, "Now that's ironic, Jap," He chuckled, "After Nagasaki, I could scare the hell outta you with a Bic lighter!" Japan hissed at the reminder of her defeat.

     Russia didn't know what to do, he felt weak compared to Poland's and America's abilities. He can't control or read anyone's mind, he can't summon flaming wings, he can't even teleport like Phil. All he can do is manipulate metal, and he has to be able to see it most of the time too. He looked back and forth between the snacking America and the livid Imperial Japan. He didn't want to get involved with their feud, so he just took a small step back. Gripping his saber tightly, alert, and not letting his guard down. He didn't want Japan to suddenly attack him.

     "You... You're sick!" Phil yelled at Imperial Japan, his voice cracking, "You took most of east Asia, for what?! Resources?" She glared at Phil through the corner of her eyes. Her silky white hair starting to come loose in the lazy bun she tied it in earlier, before the group appeared. "I did it for resources, and maybe fun," She snapped at Phil, giving America an opening. America pulled out a small firework from his backpack and lit it with a Bic lighter he stuffed in his pocket, throwing at Imperial Japan. "Bomb away!" He shouted, to startle the already jumpy pyrophobic kitsune.

     She shrieked and ran away like a fox, on all fours, her eyes wide. America and Phil chuckled at her panic, Russia confused and Poland smirking. "So she is scared of fire," Poland said to himself, "Good, I can deal with that," The he extended his Firey wings, making Japan jump in fear. "I'm not scared of some stupid flames!" She shouted in anger, making America look into her mind. His eyes glowing an icy, bright, neon seagreen blue, "Oh, but you are Jap," He replied. "I can hear it in your head, you're screaming in your head, 'n-no, Fire... k-kill me now' that's what I hear," making a chill go down her spine.

     "N-No, I'm not!" She cried desperately, looking at Poland's wings. Poland rolled his eyes and Phil stood up and brushed himself off, still shaky from his close call. "It's just fire," Imperial Japan said calmly, almost to herself, then she glared at all four of her opponents. Then she yelled, she yelled something the countries didn't expect. "GERMANY!" is what she shouted, the group froze, and their heads turned to the doors. The doors opened and Germany walked in, head hung down with a guilty and frightened expression on his face.


Sorry if my writing is getting sloppy, we're nearing the end of this book, and I'm already thinking of ideas for the next. Also, I've already given up on An Hourglass, too lazy to do it and the writers block is so strong. So if you were interested in it, sorry.

Also, poor Germs. He just wants to get his work done, and to probably, maybe, totally not try to ask Poland out on a date. He would neeveerrrrrr-

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