13-I literally fell for you

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Russia POV:

     After a while, America left Poland's room and he seemed more like himself. He's definitely pretending, and I just realized his eyes look... different than when I saw him while he ran his company. They're still the bright, electric, glowy kind of blue... but something is different, I just can't figure it out. I guess I'll ask him about it later, because I doubt he'll want to talk about it with Philippines and Czech standing here. Speaking of the two other countries, they found my chess board and from what I can tell, Czech is going to win.

     After a few hours it's around the time I would normally make dinner. "Hey, Czechia, could you get everyone water? I'm going to make some dinner." I asked Czechia, he nodded and grabbed 5 cups and turned on the sink... I forgot he could manipulate liquids. He went back to his chess game against Philippines and with a few waves of his hand he filled each cup with water. I turned off the sink and went back to making dinner.

    When I finished making dinner Ame asked me what I made, "What'cha make for dinner Rus?" he asked. I handed him a cheeseburger, "Cheeseburgers... Your favorite, from what I remember." I told him. He took the plate and smiled and sped-walked to the table and started eating. I knew he still liked cheeseburgers. Czechia and Philippines liked it too, just not as much as Ame, who asked for a second burger. Poland didn't even show up, I guess he skips dinner?

     The second everyone finished dinner everyone, except Poland, went out on their nightly patrol. I was forced into going because well... I just was, they also figured my ability would be useful. As we drove through the outer bit of the city, we knocked out some idiots trying to be sneaky, bought some doughnuts, and Ame played some Vines... from when it still existed anyway. It was extremely boring, but we had some fun. Scratch that, it wasn't boring, something happened. Something I didn't think was ever going to happen to me.

     As we were driving down a street, we looked into an alley. We thought everything was fine until I heard a gunshot, then I saw Czechia fall to the ground... Wow, he really is quiet, he didn't even react, not really... He kind of just... fell? Philippines looked at me and Ame and said, "Your guys' powers are meant for combat, so I'll just teleport outta here and take Czech with me. Good luck!" I never realized that Philippines could teleport, I never even knew his power. Ame nodded and I nodded, but I was definitely less sure of victory. Ame looked at me and smiled, "Time to kick some ass!" I smiled back and nodded again.

     While me and Ame were 'talking' I saw a figure from the corner of my peripheral vision. I turned around quickly and pulled out a Swiss army knife. Ame popped his knuckles and waited. "Who are you?" I asked, "What the hell are you trying to do?" I manipulated all the stainless steel into a larger blade. The figure walked out of a shadow to my left. "Well, would ya look at that." Said the figure, "I'da shoulda snatched you while I coulda." I recognized that voice, and so did Ame. "Confederate..." Ame said grimly, "Long time no see huh?" I glanced at Ame to see how he was holding up, and he's not the worst but it could be a lot better.

     I grabbed at small travel sized flashlight from my pocket and quickly shined it in Confederates eyes. He blocked the light and Ame glared at him. "You're scared," Ame said to Confederate threateningly, "You're scared of someone, not us, but someone you're helping." I looked at Ame then Confederate. "I-I'm not, I ain't scared of some real demon-like granny!" Confederate yelled defensively. "Who said anything about a demon granny?" Ame asked, "There's only one demon granny I know, And that's the Japanese Empire." I glared at Confederate and took a step towards him.

     Ame tilted his head, "Well? Where is she, she's the one behind all this chaos." He asked. Confederate shook his head and glared at me. When he glared at me, I felt a small pain in the back of my head. I felt Ame whack the back of my head, "Don't. Just think of being free and shit, he can mind control people. I just have a feeling he can, but first you have to feel like you're a slave to someone or something." I looked at Ame confused but nodded. After that, Confederate growled at us and threw a punch at Ame. Ame grabbed it and smiled sadistically, there's the Ame I know... the violent, sadistic, and powerful America.

     Ame's eyes actually started to glow and his eyes returned to what I remembered. White triangle outline pupils, with the glowing blue filling in the inside of the outline. I always found it somewhat terrifying, but I still always seemed to find comfort in the brilliant blue. I shifted the blade of my knife into a baseball bat shape... but half as big. I hit Confederate with it because well, I didn't know what else to do. I was tired of standing there awkwardly. When Confederate stumbled back, he tripped on an uneven part of the pavement and fell flat on his butt.

     Then, when Ame tried to walk over to him, he also fell, but I caught him before he could fall face first and have a nice snack of concrete. I noticed a light pink lightly cover his cheeks; I didn't think too much of it though. I helped Ame back up and then he went back to interrogating the shit out of Confederate. Then he held out his hand for what I assumed was my now baseball bat like knife. 

     I handed it to him, and Ame strongly hit Confederate on the head. Soon after Philippines teleported behind me without warning, and I almost punched him. Philippines looked at Confederate and just grabbed his limp and unconscious arm and teleported away. Ame turned to me, still blushing. "Rus... thanks, and for the record. I like you... a lot" He said, and that's when my brain stopped working.


Let's go! Finally the confession, now we just have to wait for the other ship to sail. Hmm, I wonder what Poland will do with Confederate. I'll need to think of something.

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