4-Nice to meet you... again

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Russia POV:

     Philippines looked at me while we walked out into the makeshift living room and sat down. "So... How long do you think you can stay without causing a panic?" He asked nervously. I shrugged, "I'd say about a week, my staff, friends, and the reporters are used to me disappearing randomly for about a week" I guess randomly deciding to hide in my house came in handy. "And since China recently got sent to the hospital and I stabbed some random guy I'd say they won't worry from a week to two weeks" I added, China being sent to the hospital also coming in handy... concerning but thank you fate or God or whatever higher being runs the universe if there even is one.

     He let out a breath I didn't realize he was holding. "That's good then," he said, "We can work out the info you need, and maybe if it's the right kind of info you could help us!" He smiled at that idea. I nodded; it wouldn't hurt to help them after they help me. The only problem is the secrets they keep. Like why doesn't red dot want me to know who they are? What do these countries want to do? Why don't they want to reveal themselves to the public? What's up with Poland? Why is there a weird, layered obstacle course inside the warehouse? So many questions and probably very few answers.

     Speaking of the obstacle course, I asked Philippines about it. "What's with the... layered obstacle course that takes up a whole third of this massive warehouse?" I asked, gesturing towards the whatever-it-is. He smiled and started to explain, "It's something me and everyone else here calls the videogame. Mainly because the higher level you get to the harder it gets. We'll even change it up every now and then. Ame-I mean red dot is the best at it." My eyes narrowed. "What did you almost call red dot?" I asked, Philippines shrugged and laughed anxiously. "Let's move onto a different subject... Like anime!" He suggested, I shook my head. "I don't watch it, and I'm going to find out who red dot is one way or another." I said casually, which surprised me I'm normally extremely awkward.

     Philippines stood up and shrugged while smiling, "He's a pretty secretive guy, but I guess there's always a chance." Then he left and walked into his room, closing the door. I'm a little weirded out but okay... that's odd. After around five minutes I felt someone tap my shoulder. I quickly turned around and saw Czechia smiling at me. "What in the world?" I asked, "How did you- why are you so quiet?" He chuckled and shrugged. "I don't know, I just am Rusko." He replied, "And no, it's not my power, that's liquid manipulation." I nodded, very confused.

     Czechia turned on his heels and knocked lightly on Philippines door and they talked about something for a little while. I stood there awkwardly, then I heard some cursing coming from the... videogame? I saw red dot kicking something and cursing... he curses really loud... holy shit. Czechia and Philippines walked back over to me after they talked. Their heads turned in the direction I was looking and laughed when they saw red dot. "He finally noticed we changed it!" Philippines yelled triumphantly, "Let's go!" Yelled Czechia and they high fived.

     After a good minute or two red dot came marching down towards us. He pulled up his mask and hood and put on some sunglasses. When he got over to us, he started yelling at Philippines and Czechia. I smiled slightly; he reminds me of America... a lot. It's probably nothing, just a weird coincidence. When red dot finished yelling at Philippines and Czechia the three countries turned to me. Well, they did after they finished looking at red dot for a little while.

     "So, what kind of info do you need?" Philippines asked curiously. It's a little unnerving having three countries who mysteriously disappeared stand in front of you wanting to know what info you need. "I just want to know who shot China and why" I replied as quickly as possible. The three looked at each other and nodded. "Seems like something everyone would want to know." Czechia said smiling, "We'll help! Even though Polsko doesn't seem very fond of you" The Philippines and red dot nodded in agreement. I smiled, "That's great, but do you have any idea on where to start?" I asked. Red dot and Czechia shrugged, and Philippines smiled. "Well, when you run a bar Monday through Wednesday and help out at a Cafe Thursday through Saturday... It's pretty easy to know stuff." How and why Philippines.

     The three countries tensed up for some reason and started to point behind me. "What?" I asked, then I realized, "Someone's behind me, right?" I turned around and jumped a little to see Poland. Now I know why their all tense... their edgy, hoodie, teenager boss is standing behind me. I decided to take a step back, which the three countries didn't mind and made some space for me to join them in a little line. Poland spread open his wings and glared at me, wait- he has wings?! A-Anyway, he glared at me and spoke, "I may not like you... but we have a similar goal. I'll help you, the bare minimum anyway." He snarled at me. Who knew a teen could be so terrifying...

     Czechia and Philippines blinked in disbelief and red dot turned their head away from me and lifted his glasses to look at Poland. When everyone was finished being shocked, myself included, Poland made us all sit down. "So, You want to know who shot China and their reason" Poland said, "and I want to bring a certain group of people to justice... I know just how to help each other!" He smiled. How did he go from 'ready to murder someone' to 'sunshine and rainbows' so fast?

     Poland pointed the nearest wing to red dot right at him. "What have I said about hiding your identity when I'm around?" Poland asked, back in his little murderous tone. Red dot groaned and took his hoodie and mask off. He kept the sunglasses though... or at least until Poland started to glare at him. When red dot finished putting his stuff away my eyes widened. "America? That's you right? Not just some person?" I asked, not believing this. America nodded, "It's me Russia, it's your favorite dumbass." He said unenthusiastically. Philippines and Poland smiled and pointed at America. "HAH! WE KNEW IT!" They both said in unison as America flinched at the two countries who made him reveal himself to me. "This makes a lot more sense," I said looking back at America, "Nice to meet you... again" I said, He smiled and nodded.


Yay! Russia finally figured out who red dot is! He didn't even have to try that hard!

Anyway, another chapter has been finished... another yay, and just a quick side note:

Czechia calls every country by their name in his native language, mainly because he's too tired to try and pronounce their names and it just sounds right to him.  Let's just say Ame and Poland had a little trouble adjusting to it for a little while.

I can't wait for the near-death experiences coming up!!

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