Chapter 25

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To say i am over the moon is an understatement. I know my brother told Tom about the curse i cast on myself. Only the one with true intentions, who loves me with their entire being and would do anything for me. Finn murdered our son as he had more attention than him. He is selfish and power hungry, i should have seen through the bullshit he fed me that night, getting me vulnerable enough so i would sleep with him.

All of that is in the past. I have another little bundle growing inside me. I know Tom is more about family, he adores his sons, approves of their choices and everything they want to do. Then there's Dahlia, oh that little sassy pants. She has him wrapped around his finger, i mean i mean man melting with a child is just next level sexy.

Reality sets in and we need to get rid of Finn. I know when word gets out he will try and harm our unborn child. Worse yet wait until i give birth and do the same thing again. This time i have an army behind me willing to protect whats close to them.

I will have her back. I will kill everyone she loves so there's no choice but to come running back into my arms. She is the love of my life, i should have fought harder for her all those years ago. Seeing her with that imbecile boils my blood. He isn't worthy of her. No one but me is worthy.

Needing people on my side for this fight, i am meeting with the members of 'The Order' the people wanting his downfall. The current leader Harry Potter is itching to know more. They have been laying low since the Battle at Hogwarts. I travel to Godrics Hollow, Harry greets me out side his old family home he has just finished bringing back to life. The place where he killed Harry's parents in cold blood.

We talk over drinks, noticing his second. The ginger boy Ron i think he said. I explain everything i know and they are all keen to get all the information i give to them. Explaining from the daggers that can kill her to their current situation. I know she is pregnant. It wont last. Her body will reject it, she isn't capable of being a mother.

Dark Lord
Finn has been too quiet, Damon knows it to. I am not worrying Abbie with this we need to keep her stress free for the baby's sake. Draco and Hermione announced they are due the same time as us, i am glad as they can go through this miracle together. I let my sons in on whats going to happen, of course they are more than willing to help. She is technically their mother after all.

Mattheo seems to think Finn will go to The Order, makes sense as he hasn't got anyone else to help his cause. He says we can plant Enzo as a mole. He has been distant for a reason. Nothing to do with me but Adele did a number on him. Poor fucker, i call him in and see if he wants to do it. He accepts, Blaise offers as well. More the merrier and those two were never known the front line for me so it would seem that they want to betray me for the obvious reasons. They head off to Godric's Hollow to seek out Potter.

I mention that everyone that is able to start duelling again. Keep their skills fresh. Not just using magic, as Hermione states using 'muggle' ways of fighting will give an upper hand if any of us were to be disarmed. She gives me an insight of muggle wars and it has me intrigued. She is right, they do know how to do hand to hand combat. We need to get strong and learn. Mattheo and Theo being our hotheads lap up the opportunity to fight physically again.

Damon heads up the training as he is a master fighter. Knowing how to control emotions and not get too overworked whilst fighting. Easier said than done with this lot. In the end it will be worth it. My family needs to be protected, everyone under this roof has risked their life for me. Even Hermione, the one i never thought i could see as an equal due to her blood status. Can clearly teach an old dog new tricks.

I know theres going to be another battle. This is now personal, my brother has everyone training whenever they can to get physically and mentally stronger. I am glad he and my Tom are getting closer. It warms my heart, Damon knows he is good for me, my growing belly speaks for itself. I go to a muggle hospital with Daphne. She is a character, she would be good for Theo and Mattheo. I know they have a thing for her but are too damn stubborn to say anything.

Seeing my baby on a screen is weird, but i start to cry when they let us hear the tiny heartbeat. They say everything is fine and growing nicely in the right direction. Giving me a couple of scan photos to share with everyone back home.

'Soo Daphne, when are you making the move on those pair of fools then' she blushes knowing exactly who i am referring to.

'Is it wrong to want both? I know Mattheo is over the worst of everything, but i don't know if he is ready.' I feel her concern but i also say you don't know unless you try.

Getting back and showing everyone our scan photos and everyone is ecstatic! We all needed good news, and Hermione's scan is next week so even more good to come. I go upstairs to take a bath and a nap. Forgetting how much energy your body uses to grow a baby. I get changed and Mattheo enters with some pasts Astoria prepared.

'Soo when are you and Theo locking Daphne down' i get straight to the point.

'You noticed huh? Well i haven't spoke to Theo about it so I don't know' he smiles, he is clearly smitten.

'Oh come on, you and Theo have shared girls before so it isn't new, just go with the flow. She does like you i kind of grilled her today.' I hug him and tell him to get his man and girl.

Finishing food i fall asleep. Stirring i find my man's strong arms pulling me into him, he rests his hands on my belly.

His Lords Weakness- a tom riddle storyWhere stories live. Discover now