Chapter 10

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2 months pass, people know i am back, that poor diggory boy, such a shame. The Ministry doesn't believe anything Potter says but he has convinced people in hogwarts. Only ace up my sleeve is Potter thinks i still look like a snake.

Abbie is researching to see if the part of me in Potter can be transferred into something or someone else. The order is recruiting but so am i. I need all the help i can get to win the bloody war.

Some of the slytherin house students have willingly taken the mark, some have come by force from parents. Not that i care just glad my army is growing.

I need to retrieve some of my horcruxes, i need to plant decoys to have the upper hand over the order. The boys are finding the diadem, theres only a few left, Potter already destroyed my diary.

'My Lord! Miss Abigail has found something'

Finally, some good news i hope, i rush to the library where she is surrounded by books and coffee. She is buried in her ancient texts so hoping the answer is in there.

'I may have solved our 2 problems' she says in a calming voice, i could listen to her talk all day.
'Not only can i transfer potters horcrux energy, i can successfully do the decoys you wanted.'
'I do not know what i would do without you' i say as i kiss her forehead
'I do need potter in person to do it, but it needs to be transferred into another person. I will be the willing volunteer for that no questions!'

I don't agrue with her, i love her feisty streak. I need to get back the ring and locket, they will be the easiest to sort. The cup thankfully is in a vault only myself, the boys and Abbie have access to. Don't trust Bellatrix in the slightest currently.

Over the next few weeks the decoys are in place, except the diadem that energy got transferred into a dark object. She spells the diadem to make it seem it's still a horcrux. The main task is cornering potter.

I over hear Abbie talking to the boys.
'I need Potter, not here too risky, Tom is the chamber still good?'
'Yes, ill set it all up just turn up'

Least that plan is sorted and one less thing for me to worry about. Everything is falling into place. I call a meeting and let the higher ups know what is to happen over the coming weeks. Some are sceptical towards Abbie, she hasn't taken the mark yet. I won't ask her to, she's doing enough to show her loyalty.

I task Draco to fix a vanishing cabinet so we can gain entry to the school undetected when the time comes.

'We have a problem' Abbie has a very worried expression on her face.

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