Chapter 4

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Abigail POV
'Who fucked up?' The only reason he would need you.
'Loose the attitude! Here are your instructions! Just get it done!'

I head to the basement. There's a man tied to a chair. I get on with what i need to. 10 minutes later i go look for my father.
'It's done, NEVER doubt me again and send me on stupid school girl missions! You know i am the most valuable to you!' He stays quiet which means he knows you are right.

Me and Adele swap letters regularly via our owl.  Her and Lorenzo are dating, adorable couple they are.

A few months pass, i know i should try and find him but my father would forbid it.

He summons me to his study. To which i am greeted by 2 devilishly handsome men. Lucius Malfoy and Rudolphus Lestrange. Powerful pureblood families. You find out what they want you for.

My father states i am needed to help their master. I agree no questions asked as it will be good to get out of this castle.

They apparate me to this stunning mansion, trees line the boundaries, wild flowers coming into bloom, a cute little cottage in the far corner.

We get inside and i ask what my purpose actually is.
Lucius explains that it is to reverse the affects of a horcrux. I didn't think to much into it as many wizard wants an immortal life.

' i will need to see him to know how best is to approach, it doesn't need be in person but if that is the case i will need to see a memory of yours'

Lucius offers his mind, i see what i need to. I explain that it wont be a pretty process, that it will be extremely painful.

'He will need to be tied down, i will make a sedative to make him comfortable. Please pass on this information to him so he can then decide whether he wants to proceed'

Rudolphus goes so i am left with Lucius. Genes are definitely strong in that family. What a DILF.

Lestrange comes back down saying that his master agrees. I go make the sedative.

'Here give him this, tie him to a chair, then 10 minutes after come get me and i will start'

They do as requested. I enter his study and see this snake like man sat tied to a chair. Pretty kinky if i am honest. I mean i like snakes but it is a hard pass, for him looking like this anyway. I get on with the spell/ritual what ever is it. I don't pay much attention as its easy work. I see his skin changing to a normal colour and his facial features turning that into a human. I finish and apply an ointment and bandage to his face.

'He will need this on for at least 24 hours. And the stay in bed for 48. When he wakes come find me, i will stay for a fortnight to make sure there are no side effects.'

They bring him to his chambers.  I go pour myself a drink and knock it back. Someone joins me.
'Abigail is it?'
'And you are?'
'Bellatrix Lestrange, his lords top death eater'
'Ok? May i help you'
'Will this... how you say change him?'
'His physical appearance yes, everything else in theory no. Hence why i am hanging around to make sure he is his normal self'
She walks off. She's way off.

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