Chapter 6

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Fucking hell it's her! How?! Is this real or am I hallucinating? I reach for a mirror to see what i look like. She did it, i am how i looked at 35! God i love her even more now!

'I need to thank her' i say to Lucius.
'Tomorrow my lord, she gave very strict and precise instructions to make sure you rest, and with the upmost respect she scares me'

You chuckle at his response. Thats my girl, still putting people in their place. I knew she wouldn't recognise me, she only knew my 18 year old self.

It's the next day and i can finally leave this bloody room. I hope my old clothes still fit. I put on a black shirt with black trousers, my old jewellery especially that snake ring. Lucius got me some modern day cologne and i feel like my old self. It's amazing.

I am still weak but i make my way downstairs. Bellatrix is there waiting. This crazy bitch needs to fuck off. Only reason she's still around is because she is ruthless.

'My lord! You look ever so handsome' she tries to flatter me.
'Well i was a looker and I'm glad to be back like this again, i heard Abigail put you in her place.'
'Yes my lord, she spoke out of turn'
'Well she had my best interests at heart and i cannot risk turning back so i will allow it'

I smugly grin to myself. I would have paid a fortune to have seen the look on Bellatrix's face. I would've gathered the strength to fuck her where she stood in front of everyone.

I see the library door open a jar. I know she is in there. She is always drawn to books and stories. I see her sat in front of the fire with nagini curled up by her.
'She doesn't usually like anyone but me' i announce myself to her.
'Well then call me a snake charmer' that you are my love.

I sit in the chair opposite her.

'So Abigail, i best say thank you'
'You're most welcome'

She looks up at me.


His Lords Weakness- a tom riddle storyWhere stories live. Discover now