Chapter 12

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Toms POV
She fucking did it! I have complete control. I couldn't have done this if she hadn't have come back into my life. I would've been killed. My sons to.

I tell the boys they can have a party here for a change as i don't need to hide. Hoping to win favours and gain more followers. Tom is smitten with the brunette Greengrass girl. Couldn't have picked better myself, whereas Mattheos eye is on the Nott girl. Both perfect for them.

I go to my study rummaging through my drawers to find a box I have opened since I acquired it. I place it in my pocket and go find Abbie. I'm taking her away for the weekend. She needs rest.

I apparate us to a secluded cabin in a forest in Canada. She loves wolves, foxes, bears. Anything to do with the wilderness. Its the little break we both need. After this we go to Romania i want a dragon. Because why the fuck not.

We arrive, we look at the dragons and they are beautiful every one of them. I choose the hungarian horntail. A beast. Abbie brings over a little baby peruvian viper tooth. I couldn't say no, not that i would. Her face is adorable. I now possess 2 of the most powerful dragons there are.

I get news that the Malfoy boy has finished the vanishing cabinet task i set for him. The game is finally starting.

I send news that the attack on the school will happen soon. But we need one player off the table. Dumbledore. Tom volunteered, i admire him for it, but Draco needs to do it, he needs to be stronger. The boy has it in him.

Lucius tells him it needs to be done within the fortnight. He knows if he doesn't it will be a-lot worse for him in the long term.

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