Ch.11 Council

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Chapter 10 Council

Ozmen's face contorted with a mix of anger and disbelief as he stood before Meera and Eryx in the small cabin. His piercing gaze bore into Meera, and his clenched fists betrayed the intensity of his emotions. The atmosphere in the room crackled with tension.

"Ozmen," Meera's eyes widened as her hand fell from Eryx's naked chest. She stepped away from the man and turned towards her cousin when Eryx suddenly reached out and grabbed her by the elbow, stopping her from moving.

Ozmen's jaw clenched, his voice sharp as he demanded an explanation. "What the hell are you doing here? Mother and Marcella are combing through the palace looking for you."

Meera, attempting to keep her composure, pulled her elbow free from Eryx's grasp. "Eryx, please," she implored, a plea in her eyes. When she turned back to look at Ozmen, his gaze bore into her. "How did you know I would be here?"

"Naya saw you leaving with Lady Zeya," Ozmen continued, his frustration evident. "She asked me to come get you before someone else found you here. You better thank your lucky stars that girl likes you so much."

Meera, still attempting to remain composed, explained herself. "I just needed to speak to Eryx."

"Alone?" Ozmen's tone was accusatory, and his eyes flickered disapprovingly between Meera and Eryx. "With his clothes off?"

Eryx, seemingly unbothered by the tension, rolled his eyes and interjected, "I was just showing the princess something."

"Spare me the details, will you?" Ozmen scoffed, a look of disgust etched on his face. "I have no interest in knowing what you were showing her. Let's go, Meera."

Meera sighed, attempting to diffuse the situation. "Ozmen, please. It's not what you think. I just needed a private conversation."

But Ozmen's anger simmered, his protective instincts flaring up. His anger and concern for Meera's reputation were evident as he swiftly took charge, grabbing Meera's hand and snatching up the cloak she had left behind. With a swift and determined motion, he draped the cloak over her shoulders, his actions a protective shield against potential judgment. Without waiting for Eryx's response, Ozmen began to guide Meera out of the cabin.

Eryx, unwilling to let Meera go without a fight, hurriedly followed them outside. His voice echoed in the crisp air, calling out to Meera.

"Meera, stay if you want to stay." He said.

Ozmen shot a warning look over his shoulder, a silent command for Meera to ignore Eryx's pleas. "Not a word, Meera," he cautioned, his tone firm.

Eryx, undeterred, continued to pursue them, his words filled with conviction. "He can't force you to go anywhere if you don't want to. You know you don't belong here. You belong with me, Meera."

The tension escalated as Ozmen turned sharply, facing Eryx with a fierce glare. "She's engaged!" he hissed, the urgency in his voice matching the intensity of his protective instincts. "I don't know how you do things back in your homeland, Eryx, but in Azmeera, everything you are saying right now can destroy Meera's life and her reputation."

"After everything he did, you still want her to marry that piece of shit?" Eryx demanded, his tall figure looming over Ozmen, his silvery eyes sparking like lightning with a fierce intensity.

"That's a decision that will be taken honorably at court," Ozmen declared, standing his ground. "Meera will come out of it without any fingers pointing towards her. But if you keep playing these games with her and people find out, she will be ruined."

"We're not playing games," Eryx insisted. "It's not what you think."

"No?" Ozmen asked skeptically, his gaze unwavering. "So you want to marry her?"

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