Chapter 17: While We Still Can

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The helicopter soared through the air, and everyone onboard admired the view. Jonah kept staring out the door.

So many different shades of green cover the ground. It makes any houses spotted below look tiny amongst them, with lush green mountains in the distance and roads spiraling around them.

Suddenly, a voice echoes in everyone's head, "Make sure to take it all in. This is the last time you'll ever be able to see something like this."

Surprised, they all looked towards Jonah. Caedi tries to question him, but the helicopter is too loud. So, she tries talking with her mind like she just heard.

"This new world you're going to make, what is going to happen for it to exist?"

Jonah stretches his hand out to Caedi while his other hand still holds onto the handrail. She hesitates but decides to unbuckle her seatbelt and gets up to take his hand. He holds her hand, and they both stare outside together.

"The entire world is about to freeze over," he speaks to everyone's mind.

"How do you know that?" Caedi asks.

"I can't say. All I can tell you is it's going to happen, and if nothing is done, basically the entirety of humanity will go extinct."

Everyone is taken aback by this new information. They can't fully believe it, only Shana seems to be unbothered.

"So... you're going to save the world?"

"I guess you could look at it like that, but putting the entire world under one person's servitude, no matter the reason, doesn't seem like saving anyone to me."


"We're turning the world into a big playground. I've shared the blueprints to the slave collars to many other countries. Likely, only a few people will think the blueprints are real. They will rule over their own little country. War will start anew and it's anyone's guess who will be on top."


"I know it's a lot to take in, but when it happens, you'll be able to fully comprehend it."

"So, you're enslaving the entire world?" Caedi said with a slightly unhappy tone.

"There is currently no technology, or at least it's impossible to get into contact with people and organizations that hold the technology possible to weather the freezing that is to come. Shana's genius plus these collars are what's going to save only a handful of us."

"Wait, so why hasn't there been a warning of some sort? Surely with current technology, we could at least see it coming," Grace adds.

"The freezing is going to happen very long before whatever it is, hits us. Just to be clear, this should be instant death for all life on earth. I have reasons to believe it won't even hit earth but is merely passing by."

"Wish you would say how you know this..." Caedi says doubtfully.

"I just need you all to know where this is going before anyone decides to do something stupid."

He says it, annoyed while looking directly at Caedi. Caedi looks back at him, confused.

"W-what is it?"

"Nothing. Just lamenting over something you haven't done yet. Anyway, we're almost at our stop."

The setting below them slowly becomes less and less populated by trees and more crowded by houses.

"Drop us off as close as you can, then go ditch the helicopter somewhere. Follow through with the plan and take this chance to gather anything of meaning to you," Jonah orders John and Joanne.

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