Chapter 14: Eventually There'll be Answers

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The lasagna is done, and Jonah hands out portions to everyone, including Fiona. However, Caedi is missing.

"Caedi, the food is ready!" Jonah shouts, but there's no response.

He decides to take a plate and a cup of tea into her room. Inside, he finds Caedi sound asleep.

"Hm, I don't want to wake you up, but you haven't eaten anything all day," Jonah mumbles to himself.

Caedi tightly grips her pillow, muttering inaudible words. Jonah tries to find a place to put down the food, but the dresser is a mess. He settles for placing it on the floor.

Gently shaking Caedi awake, she grumbles and reaches behind her for a nonexistent cover. Annoyed, she finally opens her eyes and turns to face Jonah.

"Why?" she cries.

"Sorry, but food is ready. You need to eat. Sit up; I'll feed you."

She sits on the edge of the bed, holding out her hand.

"I can feed myself. I'm not a baby."

Jonah takes the plate and sits beside her. Cutting a piece of lasagna with a fork, he feeds it to her.

"That wasn't an order, was it?" Caedi asks.


"Then why are you still trying to feed me?"

"Because I want to."

Caedi grumbles but surrenders and eats the food. Jonah asks, "Is it good?" Caedi nods, and Jonah smiles at her. She notices the tea on the floor and gets up, takes it, and sits beside Jonah. While sipping the tea, she lets Jonah feed her again.

"Hey, so what are you trying to save us from?" Caedi suddenly asks.

"You think I'm saving you from something?"

"Yeah, a lot of things you're doing don't make sense, and it always surprises me that you're always prepared for everything."

Jonah feeds her.

"Well, I have had... a bit more than five years for all this."

"There you go again, saying something mysterious that doesn't make sense."

Jonah just smiles at her and continues to feed her.

"I had this dream where my mom turned to a solid ice statue, and some shining blue orb left her body and went into a new one."

"Sounds like a nightmare."

"The thing is, every single time, the body would be different but similar."

"What kept freezing her?"

"I don't know, and at the end, just as you were waking me up, she pulled me in for a hug and kept talking to me in different languages, even ones I've never heard before."

Jonah feeds her.

"Do you think it means something?"

"I've never had a dream as weird as that. Well, except that one where I was a bowl of soup."

"Well, you figure it out; you seem kinda excited."

"Well, I'm kinda stuck in this situation, so I might as well put up with it. Killing is beyond me, though."

"That's okay; I like you being the only normal person."

"So you're not gonna tell me?"

"I will, soon."

Jonah gets up and hands the plate to Caedi, who places it on the bed.

"You'll finish up here; I'm gonna go eat. You, me, and a new girl are gonna sleep on this bed; the others will take the other two rooms."

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