Chapter 15: Nothing Can Stop Us

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The police officers forcefully shove Caedi forward and unto the ground. She attempts to rise, but a warning shot near her halts her movements. Tears stream down her face, eliciting a dark reaction from Jonah.

"Do you think I didn't know all of this would be happening? The yard was more than enough to land the helicopter."

"Don't you dare try making any moves. We know that you can activate collars without any verbal commands, so those of us without them are ordered to kill the girl if you activate them."

Jonah raises his hands and slowly claps. Officers witnessing his expression quiver slightly. Lifeless eyes and a face of disgust create a powerful combination.

"Bravo, you figured out my secret, and you're even trying to save people, unlike your former general. Just one thing. Where are the rest of my girls?"

The policeman remains speechless. His eyes widen at the realisation.

"Forget the mission, just kill him!"

Iah emerges from a bush and goes straight for an officer from behind, swiftly decapitating him. The other officers turn on her.

Grace, on a nearby rooftop, eliminates two police officers with a sniper rifle, two dead officers lying beside her. She swiftly locks onto her targets and fires.

Jonah shoots an officer between the eyes, and those close to Caedi to fall to the ground in extreme pain. Shields and guns are dropped.

"You coward with such skill and power, and these girls are the same. You choose to put down our force instead of fighting us normally!?"

"You flatter me, but even I can't dodge bullets coming from every direction."

The officer points his gun at Caedi. Jonah's eyes brighten a bit, and he smiles.

"Caedi, get out of the way, would you?"

"Don't move, or I'll shoot!"

Jonah fires at the policeman's gun, knocking it out of his hands.

"Don't move, or I'll shoot! Haha."

Caedi runs to Jonah and hugs him tightly. Jonah pats her head to calm her down but keeps his gun pointing towards the officer.

"You'll sing us a song, won't you?"

Caedi wipes away her tears, pulls out her microphone, and with a scared face begins to sing a lullaby slightly off-tune. Jonah smiles and joins her, helping her to sing. They sing until all the soldiers are asleep.

Jonah picks up Caedi bridal style, and she grips his shirt, still shaken.

"Sorry for putting you through that, but it all went smoothly. You did a good job."

He walks towards Iah and sees several dead bodies in front of her. She's poking them with her finger.

"You killed quite a few of them before I shocked them all. Fifty?"

"Sixty actually. Did I do good?"

"Yeah, exceptionally so because you aren't even hurt."

"So do I get a reward?"

"I'm not kissing you."

"Why not? I would have been fine with it if you didn't kiss Grace, but since you have, I won't let this go. I'll have to injure myself on purpose if you don't~"

Caedi tugs on Jonah's shirt, and he looks down at her.

"Just give her one, just one. She might actually do it. Please."

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