Chapter 16: So, Let's Enjoy this Moment

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Caedi returned to where she left Jonah. He was standing there with a plate waiting for her. He hands it to her, and she sits on the couch with two slices of pizza.

"Hey, did something happen with Iah and Grace?"

"Did something happen?" He asked back.

"They seem really close, like they've been BFFs forever. We barely knew each other before."

Jonah placed four plates on the counter.

"Oh, that's an effect of the collars."


"Okay, so these collars amplify positive feelings toward me, the one with the master collar."

"What!?" Caedi nearly dropped her plate. "Doesn't that mean it forces us to like you?"

"Actually no, or else the entire country would be bowing to me. Like I said, it amplifies, not creates."


"If you hate me, the collar won't do anything, but if someone has like 70 percent or higher affection, they will feel the same towards someone who feels the same towards me. They have to like each other in the first place though, else it will turn out like some sort of rivalry."

"So what about me?"

"What about you?"


"You should know better than anyone how you feel."

Meanwhile, in the bedroom both Iah and Grace are left panting after an intense tickle fight.

"I think you've had enough so I'll let you off with just that." Iah says.

"Oh really? I was just thinking the same but also, breakfast might get cold."

They both catch their breath and then get up from bed. They begin to dress up in their usual attire.

"You know, Caedi and I used to be just like this but, she started to become very distant and reserved towards me. I wonder why..." Iah shares her thoughts.

"You never asked her?"

"She doesn't like people being so direct... but I did and she dodged it every single time."

"Why would she not like that?"

"She has some trust issues. My father really messed her up, he was more two faced than the devil himself."

"Was he really that bad? What did he do exactly?"

"He's a man of many words but he only means less than 10 percent of them. Behind closed doors he physically abuses his wife and his children if they get in his way. Outside he is just someone who knows exactly what to say to people to get them to like him. So any rumors about abuse get quickly squashed because people think that he would never do that or they like him so much that they ignore it."

"That's awful Paccia. Have you all never called the police?"

"My mother has went to them twice but both times they just let him off with a warning. Such garbage."

"Why only twice?"

"My mother still loves this man and on top of that her Christianity makes her think that God will change the guy." Iah's tone fills with frustration.

"I see. So then those two times were just breaking points?"

"He manipulated her so easily, he knew exactly which of her strings to pull. It got to the point where I considered killing him myself."

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