S E V E N T E E N .

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"And this is now our room." Ana smiled, ending the tour and showing JJ the room that they were going to stay in.

"It's... cute?" He said, obviously unsure.

"What's wrong?"

"I just... this is a huge house full of rich kids." He shrugged sitting on the bed, "I mean, I don't fit in."

"You don't need to. You have me, and honestly, I don't fit in here either." She giggled, sitting next to him.

"Speaking of 'having' you... can we talk about us?" Ana nodded her head and turned her body to face the boy, "what's been going on with you and whichever boy?"

"Are you calling me a whore?"ana joked, but quickly wiped the smile off of her face when he realized he was being serious,
"no, no, nothing... JJ."

"I'm not stupid, Ana. You being stuck with Jeremiah and your three year long ex... something has had to happened."

The girl looked down at her hands as the guilt started to consume her once again. Obviously things have happened, feelings formed, but she didnt know what to say.

"JJ... I- you're right. I'm not going to lie to you." JJ took her hands to comfort her, he wasn't mad, he could never be mad at her. Especially with his past with girls, "I thought that Jere and I had started something... or we were starting something. And Conrad... I don't know..."

"I'll always, and I mean always, love Conrad. In a way I don't think I'll ever be able to love anyone else. He was my first everything. I loved him with my everything. I love him..." she sighed, tears forming in her eyes, just thinking about where they were now, "I thought I was going to marry him.. I mean we planned a whole wedding."

JJ watched, and wiped a tear that slipped from the girls eye, "but..?"

"But... he hurt me. Really, really, bad. He made me question my whole existence. Where I was gonna go for college, weather I was pretty or not, made me think I wasn't good enough, and even jere made me feel like this... these boys they are immature, mean.. toxic. And I don't want them." She finished, her chest tightening.

"Ana... if you're not ready for anything yet, I can wait."

"I've heard that one before." She chuckled sadly.

"But I mean it. If you need time, I'm okay with just being your friend.. until you feel like you can genuinely give yourself to me and not even question if you have feelings for.. them."

She leaned up and kissed his cheek softly,
"When we leave here... if you want me still, I'm all yours."

"All mine?"

"Every inch of my soul, and every piece of my heart."


The party was in full action, tension was going wild between the teens and Ana had lost JJ to a guy that started talking about surfing.

She was going to go look for him and steal him away from the conversation before she heard someone yell fight.

Her heart dropped, the first thought that rushed through her head was that it was JJ and Jere or even Conrad, so she sprinted into the house and instantly bumped into the oldest fisher boy.

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