The Truth

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    Mike rolled around in bed for hours. Without another job, he had extra free time. He wanted to sleep right after his shift at Freddy's but his body refused. He wasn't used to sleeping that early, so after hours of lying in bed with discomfort, he got up and walked into the living room. Cory was watching sports on the TV. Mike wanted to sit down and join him but he looked out the window and saw the crisp and gorgeous blue sky. Bright clouds floated very slowly. There were almost no cars in sight.

     "I can change the channel," Cory said, knowing Mike wasn't interested in sports.

    "Nah," Mike replied, "I can't be watching TV on a day like this," Cory threw him a weird look.

    "What're you gonna do out there?"

    "I don't know... take a walk I guess. I mean, if it's THAT nice outside, I HAVE to go out there,"

    "Okay, hippie," Cory laughed, "maybe you can stop by the library and pick up another job - a full time one without big ass robots,"

    "I'll get around to it," Mike said, "See you later," he sauntered out the door and down the stairs. Sure enough, upon stepping outside, the peace instantly overswept him. He started strolling down the sidewalk, passing by a neighborhood. There was almost no one in sight. The neighborhood was full of big green trees that provided adequate shade. The temperature was perfect. A very light breeze passed through the air. Birds and insects chirped. The sound of someone mowing their lawn in the distance didn't disrupt the peace. Mike hadn't taken a nice walk in so long. After the low November temperatures, this warm day felt refreshing.

    After he had passed several blocks, he saw the entrance to a somewhat woodsy area. There was a path leading into the nature-filled place. Mike walked on the wooden planks and came to a bridge just above a creek. He crossed it, taking a deep breath. The natural world was relaxing to be in. A parent and their child walked past him. He smiled at them as he made his way around. There were now bright green meadows just in front of the river. A walking trail along the middle of the fields wound around the whole park. Mike decided to keep going. The sound of a bell came from a few feet behind him. He instantly knew a cyclist was trying to pass so he quickly moved to the side of the path. The cyclist proceeded.

    "Mike?" someone called. Mike looked around and saw a man walking toward him. The man's voice was somewhat high. He had medium-length brown hair. He was tall and thin. He seemed to be in his mid-20's. He wore a jacket with a strange logo Mike didn't recognize - a green trophy surrounded by yellow spikes.

    "Uh- hey..." Mike said lamely, "do I know you?"

    "Well... you tell me," the man said, "I'm Mia's teacher. You're her father, right?" Mike looked at the man again, very vaguely recognizing him.

    "Oh! Yeah, I remember you... You're Matt? No- Pat! Right?"

    "Close enough," he responded, now walking alongside Mike, "your daughter has been talking about you a lot," Mike glanced up at him.


    "Mhm," the teacher nodded, "about your new job - how you work at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza... I just hope you know what you're getting into,"

    "What do you mean?" Mike asked.

    "I'm assuming you don't really know about the place's past, and why it closed," Mike shook his head.

    "I've heard some things..."

    "You see, this isn't its first rodeo. 10 years ago, the reason why it shut down was because some children went missing there,"

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