Night 4

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    Mike gazed at himself in the mirror as he clipped his tie onto his dress shirt. He had woken up 20 minutes before his alarm was supposed to go off and he didn't want to sit in the darkness waiting for it. He decided to use that time productively and get dressed. He pulled up his black dress pants and tightened his belt. Mike walked into the living room and made a bowl of cereal. As soon as he finished eating it, he went to his car and sat in it for a minute without driving. He debated whether or not he should even go to Freddy's in the first place. Deep down, without another job, he knew refusing to go wasn't a viable option.

    His gas tank was almost empty but rather than finding a 24 hour gas station, he just kept driving to Freddy's. After parking in the middle of the lot, taking two spots shamelessly, he reluctantly got out and marched toward the building. He took out the key and unlocked the door. Mike tiptoed quietly to his office. He was partially scared he would see an animatronic at the end of one of the nearby hallways. The journey from the front door to his office was luckily uneventful. He sat down in his chair and leaned back. After stretching, he leaned upright and checked the monitor. Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica were on the stage. He checked Pirate's Cove. The curtains were closed. Even though everything was fine, Mike started experiencing anxiety about what he knew was to come.

    The scents of the musty decaying walls mixed with the pizza subtly reminded Mike of where he was. Even the smells were tied with the fear he had about this place. When the phone rang, Mike jumped in his seat. He could see Bonnie's head tilt upward on the camera in response to hearing the ring. The bluish-purple rabbit began walking  down the stage stairs. Mike put his hand on the left door button in anticipation - knowing Bonnie would exclusively go to this hall. The phone rang a few more times. Mike glanced at the monitor to see if Freddy and Chica had heard it. Luckily, there was no indication of that. After the final ring, the phone-guy's message played;

    "Hello, hello? Hey! Hey, wow, day four..." the usually calm phone-guy spoke quickly. Mike could tell he was nervous, "I knew you could do it- uh, hey, listen, I may not be around to send you a message tomorrow," in the background of the recording, Mike heard a loud pounding sound. He recognized it as the animatronics knocking on the door. He remembered when Foxy banged on the door just two nights ago, "It's-It's been a bad night here... for me," as his voice message continued, the knocking sound did as well. It became louder and more aggressive, "Um, I-I'm kinda glad that I recorded my messages for you, uh, when I did. Uh, hey, do me a favor, maybe sometime, uh, you could check inside those suits in the back room?" Mike's eyes widened, knowing what this implied "I'm gonna try to hold out until someone checks. Maybe it won't be so bad... Uh, I-I-I-I always wondered what was in all those empty heads back there- y'know?"

    The Toreador March jingle played. The man on the phone had run out of power himself. Mike could also hear a faint groaning sound get louder, "Oh no-" just as the man on the phone said this, a very loud low-pitched scream interrupted him. The call hung up right after.

    "What the fuck was that?" Mike thought. He turned to face the left window and saw Bonnie coming, as predicted. He closed the left door. He then backed up and looked out the other window. Nothing, "okay, this shit has gone far enough," he continued to think, "this is obviously some prank. And not a very good one either," Mike pondered how Robert hired him almost instantly. He was so happy to get the job at first. But now, he understood why he got it so fast. Something that easy couldn't come without its flaws.

    "You shouldn't be here," He remembered May telling him.

    "What a total asshole," He remembered Peter snapping Mia's Gameboy, "I should have knocked him senseless for that. Who the hell does he think he is? What a weirdo," he thought back to when Mia greeted Peter and he wasn't even capable of returning the most basic 'hello' to a 5 year old - as if he was THAT busy. Mike reflected on the first day when he was told he couldn't enter the premises without a child, "why is that even a rule? And that guy on the phone - carpets being replaced? 'Bite of 87'? What the hell is going on here?" He almost wanted to laugh but after deeply analyzing his whole experience at Freddy's, he couldn't. He released the left door as Bonnie strolled off..

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