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On Cheng Siqiao's first day in South City, she got lost and was accosted by a group of unruly troublemakers. The willful and bold Cheng, seizing an opportunity when they weren't paying attention, threw a punch at the leader, Xie Chen.

Thinking they wouldn't meet again, the next day she found herself seated next to him. Later, she was taken by her birth mother to visit a long-lost childhood friend's house, where she once again encountered the indifferent and aloof Xie Chen.

Both sets of parents enthusiastically introduced their children to each other.

"Xie Chen has excellent grades, always diligent and studious. You should study with him. You must remember, you two were childhood sweethearts."

"Sister Siqiao has been gentle and well-behaved since childhood. Now that you're classmates, you must take good care of her and not bully her."

Luu Qifeng once boldly asked Xie Chen, "Bro Chen, don't you consider Jie so beautiful?" Mentioning Cheng Siqiao made Xie Chen visibly annoyed, raising his eyelids with a hint of disdain, saying, "Are there no girls left in the world? I like her."

On a later day, Luu Qifeng and Xie Chen went out to eat. Xie Chen, dressed casually and laid-back, had a colorful rubber band on his wrist that seemed out of place. During the meal, he intentionally fiddled with it, drawing attention. Luu Qifeng couldn't resist asking, "Xie Chen, since when do you like wearing these flashy little things?" With a proud smile, Xie Chen boasted, "Looks good, right? My girlfriend's." Before Luu Qifeng could inquire further, Cheng Siqiao called, accusing Xie Chen of taking her rubber band.

Luu Qifeng: "..." Pointing to a passing girl, he asked, "Xie Chen, do you think this one is a guy or a girl?" Recalling his confident declarations from the past, Xie Chen's mouth twitched awkwardly, "Uh... a guy."++

"As stated in the law of universal gravitation, any two objects in nature will attract each other, just like you and me. Crossing time and space, only to meet again."

The book is also known as "The Big Brother Who Loves Wearing My Hair Tie," "What to Do When Your Boyfriend Keeps Taking My Hair Tie," and "How to Deal When Your Boyfriend No Longer Distinguishes Between Genders."

A mix of boldness, playfulness, feigned arrogance with a vulnerable heart, and a tough exterior masking kindness. The story involves two academically excellent individuals who, despite their strong personalities, have a playful dynamic. It's a sweet and entertaining tale, breaking the mold of typical childhood sweethearts with a brief childhood interaction.

Bold, willful, and a bit of a prankster, actually internally vulnerable feigned arrogance. Tough exterior, seemingly bad-tempered, but genuinely kind feigned coldness.
- Academic Achiever × Academic Achiever

1. Sweet, sweet, sweet! Extremely sweet! Invest without regrets.
2. After getting to know each other, they are still a lot of fun, hehehe.
3. Non-typical childhood sweethearts; the two had a brief interaction during their childhood.

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