Ice Cream

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After the event, your mother was driving away from school, after picking you up. You eventually went to the grocery store with her. She got an ice cream cone to cheer me up. 

In the car, she was talking to you while driving. "Listen (Reader), this could be for the best. I know you tried, but Ponyo is a fish. 

They weren't meant to live in a bucket. The ocean is home to them. Anyway, let's get home. Hopefully, that weirdo is gone. 

Can I have a lick? Hurry, it's starting to melt!" She took a lick of your ice cream while you were sitting and being a little depressed about what just happened. "I'm sorry, (Reader). But Dad is finally coming home tonight, you can tell him all about Ponyo." 

When you got out of the car your mom was going inside toward the house. While you were walking towards the water "No more ocean today, ok?" you nod my head "mm-hm." You look at the sky and look down to admire the ocean. 

"Mom, maybe if I leave the bucket, Ponyo will know where we live when she comes back!" She gave a smile "Do that. I think that's a lovely thing to do for Ponyo." I set the bucket on the top of the fence. 

When you got inside the house there was a phone call. But your mom was cooking "(Reader), can you get that? It must be your dad." You had such excitement knowing it was your father you went toward the phone and picked it up "Hello? Yup, she is fine. Are you at the dock?" 

Father responded "I got a second run. I have to take it. I won't be home tonight. Can you help me out with Mom?"

 I shake my head knowing he can't see it "No, you should tell her." Mom walked over to you. You gave the phone to her "Hi honey. Yes. What? Too many in a row, F/n (Father name). Let someone else take it." Then she hung up on him. 

"Jerk! Come on, (Reader). Let's get out of here. She angrily grabbed a beer from the fridge. 

Later that night you were standing on the patio. Then you saw your father's ship in the sea. You look at your mom "Turn off the lights, Mom. Don't you wanna signal him?"

 she responds drunk "No" You sign and go to turn off the lights, and start Morse code with the lantern you had in the house. You see your father sending Morse code you read and was spending. "Sorry," You look at Mom curled up, "Dad says he's very sorry." "B U G O F F. B U G O F F! Mom yelled 

"I went to the latter" and started to spell "bug off" two times he started to send another message again "Mom, Dad says he loves you. He says lots and lots!" Mom went over to you grabbed the lantern and began sending "BUG OFF!" repeated many times. Then Mom left you then sent "Have a safe journey" "Thank you, good night." 

You walked off the patio and went back inside you turned on the lights and saw your mom was on the couch you pat her head "Don't cry, om I know dad breaks his promise sometimes. But, he does his best for us. I promised Ponyo I'd take care of them. 

Then, I lost them... I wonder if they are crying now. But suddenly your mom grabs you and squeezes you in a hug "I'm happy as can be." she started to sing "But don't you worry, (Reader). You did your best, and Ponyo will be just fine. I felt a little better from the hug "ok" "I say we start dessert and go backward. It's a backward kind of a day!"

(640 Words)

Male!Ponyo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now